Veggies for non-veggie eaters


24 Feb 2014
Local time
11:54 AM
My boyfriend loves broccoli and green beans when cooked in very specific ways....and no other veggies really. I can sometimes slip in some peppers or onions, but in terms of side dishes, my options are very limited.

What are some go-to recipes you've used that even non-veggie eaters seemed to enjoy?
It works better if you hide it in other foods. Lasagna is a good way to sneak it through by finally chopping some veggies and layering them into the lasagna. Tomato based sauces tend to hide the veggies the best.
Vegetables are important so he definitely needs a bit of encouragement.I agree with firelily99 about lasagna. My mum just about tolerates veg on her plate and would certainly never order anything vegetarian, but she loves my vegetarian lasagna. Like firelily 99 says, it is easy to hide a few in a meat version too. Does he like pizza? Hide some veg under the cheese and he will probably not even know. Soups and sauces are good because once blended the vegetables are not even identifiable.If you are looking for vegetable side dishes, then try slipping meat into the vegetables to capture his interest. For example, red cabbage with crispy smoked bacon and sultanas is nice. Could you perhaps tempt him to try coleslaw, as there are a lot of different varieties you can make? Does he like fried food? If so, I make a version of potato rosti with added veg that my children love. I grate carrot, potato and swede and then shallow fry in little patties. It has quite a sweet flavor and is crispy.
Agreed, you can slip just about any veggies into a pasta sauce - carrots, celery, onions, peppers, mushrooms.

In Manicotti or stuffed shells, blend in some spinach with the cheese filling, or other greens such as escarole, or swiss chard - maybe even a blend of all three.

Burritos or Enchiladas you can slip veggies in too - I actually love spinach along with cheese and chicken in my enchilada fillings, even though it isn't traditional. I also use pepper jack or monterey jack in place of the usual cheddar.

Maybe make a broccoli mac and cheese (or a broccoli and cheese soup), but slip some yellow carrots in there too, and maybe some orange pepper, so it all blends in with the sauce.
I am not much of a veggie eater. I eat them sometimes but not all the time. I absolutely love broccoli. The only way I eat it is either with cheese or if it is in rice or Mac n cheese.
Sizzling garlic mushrooms are good for non vegetable lovers, I think, because it has garlic flavor going for it and mushrooms are generally meaty in texture. It's fairly simple to prepare as well and doesn't take long at all. I'd recommend either using a soy sauce based sauce or using oyster sauce to compliment the garlic.
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