

28 May 2015
Local time
12:04 AM
Weddings here are an expensive event particularly when the couple hires a wedding coordinator. First off is the expensive invitation that is sometimes embossed and laced with gold dust. With the ceremony, they have invented so many stages like a pre-nup pictorial that includes videos with trimmings in the scenes and sometimes even with scripts.

Okay, now here is the food. Since the ceremony is lavish, expect the food to be lavish too. The indication of a lavish banquet is the roasted calf and roasted pig. For the rich with more than 200 guests, there will be 1 roasted calf and about 4 roasted pig. And that's not all, other meat, seafood and vegetables will be on the buffet table.

So do you have that much money for your wedding?
I don't believe in marriage so the answer for me is easy! :devil: I find it ridiculous that people throw so much money at this ritual. Spending lavish amounts on weddings has become much more the norm here than it used to be. Often, quite poor families scrape together thousands of pounds for a wedding and then live on the bread line.
Weddings should be what you want to do! Not what others expect, I do smaller weddings regularly and some go well over the top, I did one last week close friends and family nice food good wine but for about 35 , no hangers on just the people who matter
Next evening they had a camp over in a field , with every one ,
A small marque if it rained and a hog roast basic drinks beers wines pimms and a good night
We flew out to Fiji and got married, the barman and wedding organiser's helper were our photographers (we gave them a digital camera each), we had no family of friends there just the folks involved in the arrangements and a few local who stood and watched. We then went to Sydney Australia for 10 days then onto Cairns for 10 days, during this time we spent a weekend on a boat snorkelling on the Barrier Reef. We were out of the country for a month and had a fantastic time.

When my husband's nephew got married he and his wife spent about the same amount of money on their reception alone!

I totally agree with @Berties they should be what you want not what is expected.
When I got married it is only a simple wedding ceremony just with my family and my husband family are our invited guest. We just want that we shared that memorable moment just to be with them on that special event in our life. For us it does not matter even it is not that extravagant what is important is we shared tying the knot with our family and love ones on that day. Even if we had the money at that time we thought that it is practically wise just to use the extra money we had for our future spending rather than spending it in just one day only. Nowadays we have to be practical in life. Too much lavish wedding ceremony is only a waste of money. I know some people want it this way so that they will be the talk of the town and whatsoever.
A friend of ours told us a while back that she and her husband went a friends church wedding a good few years ago, flowers at the end of every pew, her bouquet cost a lot, they both spent a huge wad of cash on their wedding outfits and their 'going away' outfits. The reception was at a posh hotel, about £20 a head and there were over 50 people, then there were all the extras and the honeymoon. In all they must have spent thousands on their amazing wedding. Five years later they were divorced :facepalm:
what i don't understand is young couples will spend a on average £22,000 on a wedding and then say they can't afford the deposit for a property,or is it they will spend their parents money ,for me it was a matter of priorities,we did a basic wedding after i did my second property,but we never lived in our house till we married
the above puts a few pointers on the situatioin,
if i got married again it would be in the sun
My husband and I got married in Vegas with an Elvis impersonator. For real. Our wedding cost all of $200 and then we went out for burgers afterwards.

I promise you I'm normal :laugh::laugh::laugh:

I'm just not one for big froufrou events when the center of attention is directed my way. Low key is best!
Like what I said in my previous post our wedding was only simple. No pre nuptial pictorials, no wedding coordinator etc etc....Even we had the money we just want it to be that way because we are just being practical in our life. Instead of spending it all we rather save the excess money we had for our future expenses to start a family. People had different views when it comes to planning a marriage. Like what other people said...."It maybe the biggest day in your life...BUT...It's also the biggest waste of money"...Life is really like that and we cannot judge other people's choice in life. We had our own way to live our life. It just happened that me and my husband are both simple persons who also wants a simple wedding and a simple life.
In fact I knew there are some couple who really had the money but prefer to have a simple wedding only. While I knew some even who do not have the money and even up to the point they will borrow money or sometimes make a loan just to have a lavish and extravagant wedding. Then after the wedding they will sacrifice paying for the cost of their wedding expenses until when that they did not know. Just wondering..
A colleague of ours, Polish guy, he and his partner live and work over here and were perfectly happy as they were but because both families are Catholic they put pressure on them to marry which they did in Poland.

I think maybe for some couples the brides mum can apply pressure which can cause friction but that is how some women are unfortunately. Maybe they didn't have a big wedding so try to compensate by making their daughter have one.
My husband and I got married in Vegas with an Elvis impersonator. For real. Our wedding cost all of $200 and then we went out for burgers afterwards.

I promise you I'm normal :laugh::laugh::laugh:

I'm just not one for big froufrou events when the center of attention is directed my way. Low key is best!

I like your practicality on the wedding event. It's not wise to spend too much for that one day affair. In my most recent role as wedding sponsor, the couple even had a prenup video shoot done in Hongkong (we live in the Philippines) and another prenup shoot in a local resort. The reception was held in a 5-star hotel. Yes, they spent practically a fortune and perhaps the money could have bought them a small house. It's plain extravagance, really.
I did a wedding yesterday for a couple that had known each other 42 years and were engaged 27 years ,it was their way of starting retirement,12 guests ,ate and drank for 6 hours and back to normal today
I like your practicality on the wedding event. It's not wise to spend too much for that one day affair. In my most recent role as wedding sponsor, the couple even had a prenup video shoot done in Hongkong (we live in the Philippines) and another prenup shoot in a local resort. The reception was held in a 5-star hotel. Yes, they spent practically a fortune and perhaps the money could have bought them a small house. It's plain extravagance, really.

That's exactly the way we looked at it too, some people spend a small fortune on one day and then are in debt for those first few years of being married...and that's just added stress you don't need!

We had a fun wedding day and it was inexpensive, and it meant we could put a deposit on a house and pay off some of our mortgage so it was in advance - the breathing space is nice!
I was once invited to a grand wedding where the reception was held in a private resort. The food was overflowing and the trimmings were so great that we even brought home some of the flowers. There were 4 roasted calf in each of the 4 buffet tables. Drinks were delivered by waiters and all the guests were satiated with expensive dishes. So much was spent for that grand wedding. However, before the one year anniversary of that wedding, the couple had already separated.
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