What 5 veggies do you use most often?


10 Jan 2015
Local time
9:45 PM
Northeastern USA
What 5 vegetables do you purchase or cook with most often?

Here is my list:

red peppers
Great question and I am curious to see how the answers vary across different countries. Here are mine:

green pepper
Onions - From Burgers to just flavoring a dish, onions are just awesome. They go good on virtually most anything with a meat basin.
Mushrooms - Eat them whole, or dice them up for flavoring and toppings for pizza and similar.
Green Peppers - Stuffed Peppers? Sure. Subs? Why not. Salads? Definitely. This a universally accepted veggie for such meals!
Lettuce - From salads to soups, from sandwiches to burgers, lettuce can put on anything to give a nice crunch while giving you some daily greens :D
Carrots - Sometimes eaten whole, I love to stew these with butter and salts for some nice beta-carotene and helps you see!
Onions - brown and red varieties
Tomatoes - which are technically fruit
Mushrooms - if they are classed as a vegetable
Cabbage/cauliflower/kale - depending on the season
Red peppers - but I also use yellow and green peppers
The 5 vegetables I buy and cook more often than any other are as follows:

Butter beans

Of this list, carrots are used almost on a daily basis, and onions every day. Broccoli would sometimes be substituted for cabbage, but broccoli is preferred.
My top five would be:

Red peppers
Chili peppers

Carribean girl, I have never heard of Christophines before, what do you do with them?
Onions, pepper, courgette, carrot, butternut squash.

The first three are pretty much stock ingredients in any pasta sauce or curry I make.
Carribean girl, I have never heard of Christophines before, what do you do with them?

Christophines are green-coloured vegetables which are usually peeled, sliced, and steamed just like other vegetables. They can also be eaten in the skin, but I prefer to peel them. I find them to be one of the more expensive vegetables, but I have grown accustomed to using them and tend to buy them often. The picture below shows what christophines look like.

Christophines are green-coloured vegetables which are usually peeled, sliced, and steamed just like other vegetables. They can also be eaten in the skin, but I prefer to peel them. I find them to be one of the more expensive vegetables, but I have grown accustomed to using them and tend to buy them often. The picture below shows what christophines look like.

View attachment 513
Never seen our heard of them before either. What do they taste of, out of curiosity
I thought christophine was a well-known vegetable, but now I realize that this is not so. Anyway, I like the taste of them, although the flavour is not very distinct. They tend to have a slightly sweetish flavour, and are nice and crunchy. I would usually slice them in medium-sized strips before cooking them, and they do cook fairly quickly. Eating them in the skin would be more nutritious, but I peel them most of the time.
The five I buy most often are broccoli, carrots, potatoes, squash, and mushrooms, if you consider mushrooms vegetables. I also buy onion and garlic as I put one or both in just about everything I cook. I am practically obsessed with potatoes, lol, and the rest make for quick sautees for easy meals.
The five vegetables I use the most would be:
We love potatoes in our household especially at this time of year and eat some variation of potato every night for dinner.
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