What are you doing differently since joining the forum?

21 Oct 2014
Local time
6:18 PM
This week I took out one of my vegetable peelers and had a go at some carrots. Before joining the forum, I was quite happy to use whichever knife felt comfortable to peel whatever vegetables I had to peel.

This is just one thing I have started to do differently since joining the forum. Others things will come to mind, but what would you say you are either more aware of or doing differently since you joined the forum?
Not much changed but I have learned a lot about other peoples [and I mean other countries] cooking and some interesting recipes.
Spending to much time on here instead of doing my work admin,:oops:

But seriously ,you get to appreciate other members foods and what they deem as normal!
Spending to much time on here instead of doing my work admin,:oops:

But seriously ,you get to appreciate other members foods and what they deem as normal!
:D:D:D:DSeriously. I spend too much time on here 'instead of doing my work." By the time I am done, I will be looking for a husband, a son (he doesn't mind" and a job: seriously.
I have tried a few of the recipes posted on here and I just take some of the advice as it is given out. I can't think of anything specific that I do differently because I have received so much good information that it would be hard to pick out one thing. I tried making homemade beans after getting some tips from this forum, but they still turned out gross. I am just not a good bean cooker:giggle:
I have tried a few of the recipes posted on here and I just take some of the advice as it is given out. I can't think of anything specific that I do differently because I have received so much good information that it would be hard to pick out one thing. I tried making homemade beans after getting some tips from this forum, but they still turned out gross. I am just not a good bean cooker:giggle:
:happy::D I know about when you get a "gross" result. I find since joining, I take more pictures of what I do especially when it comes to baking as baking was never my thing. Sometimes I try turning the the cakes every which way to make them look as inviting as Pinterest. I doesn't usually work. Overall, I find I am more aware of what I am doing down to the finest detail.
Even though I have not done anything differently since joining the forum, I have found most of the information given to be interesting. I have also read some of the recipes which I may try at a later date. I may attempt the easier ones first. I appreciate some of the ideas given, like for instance, having meatless days and a few other tips which I cannot remember off hand. The topics on safety in the kitchen were good to take note of too. So, while some of it has been a learning experience, other topics reminded me of things I may have known already, but which I would have swept into the back of my mind. .
I think since being here I have had a heap more inspiration to branch out and try new dishes. I love cooking but I also felt in a bit of a cooking rut before joining here - cooking the same meals over and over! Being here has given me a lot of recipes I want to try.

It's also made me think more about what it is that makes cooking so fun and such a globally enjoyable thing! It connects us from all around the world which is such a lovely thing.
I think since being here I have had a heap more inspiration to branch out and try new dishes. I love cooking but I also felt in a bit of a cooking rut before joining here - cooking the same meals over and over! Being here has given me a lot of recipes I want to try.

It's also made me think more about what it is that makes cooking so fun and such a globally enjoyable thing! It connects us from all around the world which is such a lovely thing.

I endorse everything you said and to think the forum even takes you outside of the kitchen and into the garden and then feeding the birds. Since moving away from home more than twenty years ago, I was not giving birds a whole lot of attention. Now I am planning to set aside some time when I can actually feed them.
I like this forum because it covers a variety of topics about food - you can find genuine opinions on pretty much everything food-related and that's pretty valuable, because a lot of the information on the web seems biased. Anyway, I still suck at cooking, but at least I have a good resource to use when trying to get better at it. So I'm grateful for that.
Recently I read here how to fix honey that I might have thrown out ordinarily. I did the heating in warm water and my honey looks like it's just sitting there waiting to be used. So what will I be doing differently? Looking for a fix before I throw out good stuff.
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