What can I do with egg whites?


16 Mar 2016
Local time
8:41 AM
OK, I really need help with that! I regularly make things with yolks, but I hate throwing the egg whites away. Since recently I started freezing them but still haven't used them in a recipe. Do you have any ideas about what I can do with egg whites on regular basis? For example, almost every day I have one or two egg whites left. Is there something I can do with them right away (without having to freeze them)?
Any ideas will be highly appreciated!
Thank you, everyone, in advance!
You can make meringue out of the egg whites. I remember my grandmother beating the egg white to produce creamy meringue cakes. Pardon me but I do not have the exact recipe. From my recollection, sugar is added to the beaten egg white plus the coloring and then it is placed in the oven. Of course, the shape would depend on your liking and there are molders for the type of shape you want. The baking is not that long because the meringue gets done quickly.
You can make meringue out of the egg whites. I remember my grandmother beating the egg white to produce creamy meringue cakes. Pardon me but I do not have the exact recipe. From my recollection, sugar is added to the beaten egg white plus the coloring and then it is placed in the oven. Of course, the shape would depend on your liking and there are molders for the type of shape you want. The baking is not that long because the meringue gets done quickly.
Oh, that's such a great idea!!! Thank you so much! I didn't know what meringue was, but I just googled it and it turned out that I know it very well:laugh: We call them "Kisses" in Bulgaria:) I will probably try them tonight:)
Here's a recipe I found for making meringue: https://www.nigella.com/recipes/members/twinkss-basic-meringue
OK, I really need help with that! I regularly make things with yolks, but I hate throwing the egg whites away. Since recently I started freezing them but still haven't used them in a recipe. Do you have any ideas about what I can do with egg whites on regular basis? For example, almost every day I have one or two egg whites left. Is there something I can do with them right away (without having to freeze them)?
Any ideas will be highly appreciated!
Thank you, everyone, in advance!
I was going to get smart and say 'eat em' but them I did a search and found this link that is going to be useful even for me.:)
I found this really neat way to use egg whites. This recipe uses the yolk as well but you can absolutely leave it out and add whatever you want with it.

This is the recipe in gif form.

This one is youtube:

I just thought this one was an amazing neat recipe.

Also make chocolate mouse! Egg white when whipped is amazingly creamy with melted chocolate. Or add cream of tartar and sugar to get meringue.
Angel food cake takes a lot of egg whites. I don't have a good recipe for one, but you can find them on the web. Every recipe I have ever seen for angel food cake
takes a variety of egg whites as part of its make up. I think you could make a quality cake and you will need many many egg white. I am not sure what else you could make. You have gotten some good suggestions.
Oh, thank you so much, everyone! Those are some amazing ideas! I never expected egg whites to be so useful all by themselves!:) I'm going to try your ideas and I'll later share with you how they turned out:) Wish me luck! :)
you can also use them as a skin tightening mask for your face. Just let dry and rinse off with warm water.

whip them to hard peaks and fold them into waffle batter for light crispy waffles.

brush the tops of any pastry with a mixture of egg white and little water it will brown beautifully.

also use it to dip your meat into before breading. flour, then egg white then bread crumbs.
You can always just make them like scramble eggs or fried eggs too. This is what I do, since I have the opposite issue. I eat only the eggs whites. If no one else is eating at the time, I don't know what to do with the yolks.
I have the reverse problem. I love egg whites and have little use for egg yolks. I'm trying to stave off cholesterol and gain more protein in my diet. I love my egg white omelette with parmesan cheese and spinach. You can also try making meringue.
I have the reverse problem. I love egg whites and have little use for egg yolks. I'm trying to stave off cholesterol and gain more protein in my diet. I love my egg white omelette with parmesan cheese and spinach. You can also try making meringue.

Yep, the same for me. Your omelet sounds quite good. I may have to whip one of those up for my lunch today. I happen to have fresh spinach on hand, and I usually have some Parmesan around. I might throw in some mushrooms too.
Usually, I mix egg white with finely cut potato and fry it in a frying pan. I add salt and spices to taste. I use this as my breakfast.
I whipped up some egg whites with chorizo recently. It was spicy and good. I left out the tortillas, since I'm watching carbs. I just had it on the plate with some cheese and hot sauce. Very tasty and filling.
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