What did you cook or eat today (April 2023)?

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I love the Carrabas lemon garlic butter sauce with Pernod mussels. I've got a pretty good copycat recipe for it.

Dinner tonight was leftover smoked brisket (from the freezer) bolognese over purchased fresh pasta. It was okay, but not a make again per Craig, though he did have seconds. I thought it was pretty good and would make again with a couple of tweaks but oh well.

I met my uncle and aunt in Denton for an early dinner. Their hotel is next door to a Cracker Barrel, so we just walked over there. I had a very mediocre chicken fried steak, that very clearly arrived in the kitchen breaded and frozen. Rather bland mashed potatoes, and somewhat soggy fried okra. The white gravy was okay, but probably made in a factory somewhere, too.

Last time I did them they raved about how good they were. I try take a pic?

I'm also thinking you could make fritters out of them. Or do them like clams casino or oysters Rockerfeller.
I seriously believed that I was going to be allowed to cook it myself as she had intimated that she was going to see her friend. But no......
So, she intimated she was going to go see her friend, but instead decided to stay home and intimidate you? :laugh:
Trust me they will love my way. I have served oysters in the shell. Like you say.

I'm not doubting that your friends will be pleased. I was suggesting ways that you might like to try to eat for yourself. There is always a way! I mean, if you like seafood and it's only the edgy parts you don't like...try chopping them up and mixing them up with some sort of herb and light binder, breading them and turning them into fritters. For a man who loves seafood, there is a way. You. Will. Like. Them.
I'm not doubting that your friends will be pleased. I was suggesting ways that you might like to try to eat for yourself. There is always a way! I mean, if you like seafood and it's only the edgy parts you don't like...try chopping them up and mixing them up with some sort of herb and light binder, breading them and turning them into fritters. For a man who loves seafood, there is a way. You. Will. Like. Them.
Said mussels


So last night was the last of the Khoresh Karafs – Germez or Persian Celery Stew with tomatoes served with Tachin, Baked Saffron Rice with barberries (no eggs in this version).

And tonight was the usual Saturday night usual without fried egg because my chooks are only laying 1 egg every 3 days at the moment. All of the rest are moulting which is the time of year when the place looks like a disaster zone or that the garden has been the victim of a nasty feather pillow fight... ironically the girl laying is the 3rd oldest chook who is 7-8 years old and has pretty much not stopped laying in the 5 years we've had her. She has always lain through winter, though this is the first time it isn't 6 days out of 7, but she's wearing goggles at the moment to stop her feather eating (literally pulling growing feather out of the necks of other chooks lower in rank than her, and yes, they just stand there and let her, so the goggles restrict her immediate frontal vision which reduces how much she can eat in a day but stops her eating other chooks! The result is fewer eggs from her, but I'd rather the other chooks be allowed to grow their feathers back! (Yeah, I know what you're thinking. It's why a lot of chook egg producers do something called debeaking. Goggles are the next best option sadly.

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