What did you cook or eat today (April 2024)?

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You walk along Oxford Street and there's about 20 of them.
I do remember an American shop on The Strand, back in…2017 maybe?…that sold American sweets and boxed cereals, all the super-sweet stuff that generally isn’t available at Tesco, and it was interesting, but OOF! on the prices. I think a box of something like Cookie Crisp or whatever was trading for around $15US…and the shop was crowded.
I do remember an American shop on The Strand, back in…2017 maybe?…that sold American sweets and boxed cereals, all the super-sweet stuff that generally isn’t available at Tesco, and it was interesting, but OOF! on the prices. I think a box of something like Cookie Crisp or whatever was trading for around $15US…and the shop was crowded.
I read that linked article, apparently these shops were selling counterfeit Gucci bags and more. Counterfeit Wonka candy, too. I shudder to think what actually was in those.
Get a load of this. Mega sugar rush!
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Love French onion soup. In fact, I made beef stock and froze it a couple weeks ago so I can make some soon. Didn't make it then because grocery didn't have gruyere cheese, but got some the other day, so soon.
That is such a good idea to freeze the stock. Lovely, it is certainly better with Gruyere. I used a frozen chicken part for the chicken stock, so yes, freezer definitely handy. I grew up on a lot of cheese and dairy, love the memory of melted cheese on a hot buttered toast.:happy:
That’s probably my favorite soup, and yours looks delicious - those onions are the perfect color!
Wow thank you, that is a huge compliment. Indeed a lot of care around the onions, but it paid out 100-fold. I was so happy while delighting in it, and to be honest, it lasted for days, it was good reheated as well.
On a short seaside trip, I had seen this dish chalk written on a blackboard at the entrance. By the time I sat down, it was possibly after 3,30 pm, and I asked Do you still serve this? First the answer was no, I assume however that my face expression changed it to a Yes, they will make some for you. It was delicious. Deep fried sardines, a Swiss chard (Beta vulgaris, I think) and potato mash, and a vitamin drink.
A version of chilli con carne con Frijoles negros, probably not the correct title, but love the sound. the meat I used was minced beef. Black beans were just some that I had in my cupboard, soaked overnight and cooked 2 days in advance. A tad more black pepper, but no spicy chillies, I used regular dry red pepper (paprika) powder.
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