What did you cook or eat today (February 2022)

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Paua is aka abalone to others on here.

Where are you planning on cooking that stuff, I thought your wife hated seafood!
Leftover smoked meatloaf sandwich -- a classic leftovers food. Meatloaf, a hamburger bun, and Stubb's Sweet Heat BBQ sauce (it's better than my own homemade bbq sauce).

Are you ok?

I'm fine. I just had no need to eat last night as I was busy with my writing projects. They demand a lot of background research to explore facts for all sorts of things, from contexts to technologies.

Yesterday, I was exploring stem cells, their generation of progenitor cells and the tissue growth and regeneration capabilities that stem cells and various progenitor cells enable. I wasn't stuck on embryonic stem cell research, but bone marrow. There are also umbilical cord stem cell sources. Stem cells are actively being used, right now, intravenously and topically to repair tissue damage due to cancer or other causes, not cancer related. One type of stem cell may generate several varieties of progenitor cells with have the capacity to localize cell damage regeneration. Bone marrow stem cells in healthy adults produce these progenitor cells all the time and they are the agents which repair the constant damage in the human body due to injuries and cell wear and tear.

And then, there are the production of enzymes and what enzymes really do in the human body, acting to facilitate a speed up in metabolic and other processes, including respiration, digestion and neural processes. Enzymes are proteins and their role in the human organism is ubiquitous and varied.

Finally, I spent a good deal of time exploring nanobots. Nanobots are being posed as a future means of facilitating controlled and localized human healthcare medication and other capabilities. However, nanobots are dangerous at this time and likely always will be, as they can be next to viral in their effects. Nanobots are currently being used in skin cosmetics, but unfortunately, can be absorbed through the skin into the body and cause serious health issues. Women (and some men) who use nanobot cosmetics are not aware of the serious health consequences of usage, consequences which can be carcinogenic.

I learned quite a bit with my research yesterday, filling in gaps which I only was able til yesterday to speculate on. All of these things are being actively pursued today and applied today. They are science fact to an extent, not science fiction. But they open up a wide range of possibilities for the future of human healthcare through cell and tissue growth and regeneration.

Another thing I need to look into is the 'Hawks Gene' which facilitates the cell divisions which take place from the moment of fertilization through fetal development and giving the embryonic fetus and later, newborn child its human form. The Hawks Gene is a fascinating subject. And I am not yet sure that other important genes that control growth and form creation, exist.

I continue to make strides on my Western manuscript, but this research involves a science fiction work that I am only now evolving a plot for. There are other scifi novel manuscripts that I need to go back to and revive as well.
I'm fine. I just had no need to eat last night as I was busy with my writing projects. They demand a lot of background research to explore facts for all sorts of things, from contexts to technologies.

Yesterday, I was exploring stem cells, their generation of progenitor cells and the tissue growth and regeneration capabilities that stem cells and various progenitor cells enable. I wasn't stuck on embryonic stem cell research, but bone marrow. There are also umbilical cord stem cell sources. Stem cells are actively being used, right now, intravenously and topically to repair tissue damage due to cancer or other causes, not cancer related. One type of stem cell may generate several varieties of progenitor cells with have the capacity to localize cell damage regeneration. Bone marrow stem cells in healthy adults produce these progenitor cells all the time and they are the agents which repair the constant damage in the human body due to injuries and cell wear and tear.

And then, there are the production of enzymes and what enzymes really do in the human body, acting to facilitate a speed up in metabolic and other processes, including respiration, digestion and neural processes. Enzymes are proteins and their role in the human organism is ubiquitous and varied.

Finally, I spent a good deal of time exploring nanobots. Nanobots are being posed as a future means of facilitating controlled and localized human healthcare medication and other capabilities. However, nanobots are dangerous at this time and likely always will be, as they can be next to viral in their effects. Nanobots are currently being used in skin cosmetics, but unfortunately, can be absorbed through the skin into the body and cause serious health issues. Women (and some men) who use nanobot cosmetics are not aware of the serious health consequences of usage, consequences which can be carcinogenic.

I learned quite a bit with my research yesterday, filling in gaps which I only was able til yesterday to speculate on. All of these things are being actively pursued today and applied today. They are science fact to an extent, not science fiction. But they open up a wide range of possibilities for the future of human healthcare through cell and tissue growth and regeneration.

Another thing I need to look into is the 'Hawks Gene' which facilitates the cell divisions which take place from the moment of fertilization through fetal development and giving the embryonic fetus and later, newborn child its human form. The Hawks Gene is a fascinating subject. And I am not yet sure that other important genes that control growth and form creation, exist.

I continue to make strides on my Western manuscript, but this research involves a science fiction work that I am only now evolving a plot for. There are other scifi novel manuscripts that I need to go back to and revive as well.
When you publish, be sure to let us know....I love sci-fi that doesn't skimp on the "sci" component.
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