What did you cook or eat today (February 2023)?

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Today was one of those end of week, what's left in the fridge, bungit soups...
It was also a bit of an experiment because I used the soy protein isolate and pea protein isolate powders for the first time.

So the soup looks normal. It contains an odd jobs bag of carrots (800g), the remaining fresh tomatoes & 2 tins of tomatoes, a roasted red pepper, 3 red onions and 200g of red lentils. It also contained 90g each of the protein isolate powders.

Why? Well I'm always working hard to keep on top of protein in our meals. A vegan diet can easily contain all of the essential amino acids provided you mix for sources of protein (hence the tins of 3 bean mix and so on because no one individual source of protein contains all of the EAAs). So if you only have red lentils, you'll not get all of what you need in that one meal (you might get what's missing in another meal that day). If you only have white beans, or only chickpeas its the same. With brand and peas it's about variety. And I was reading an article on how older vegans can increase their protein levels without adversely affecting the calorie intake by using protein isolate powders, so thought I'd give it a try.

Usually when I make a "cream of" it is usually using cashew nuts which add loads of calories even for the 100g I usually use and don't add much in the way of protein when split between 6 or 8 portions. But soy protein and pea protein powders are almost 90% protein, so add far more and another way of adding cream to any soup as a vegan is to add soy milk or soy cream (or oatcream which adds almost no protein etc), so why not use just the protein part of the soy bean instead?

Hubby was suspicious at first, but that bowl of tomato, lentil and carrot soup has 22g of protein in it which is just over twice the normal amount, and is from multiple sources not a single source, so covers all of the EAAs.

I know he won't have had a huge portion of protein at lunch either, so I added in some tempeh as well.

And it's a hit. It is creamy and not grainy or gritty at all. The dish tastes normal. I had actually kept a portion side before I added the protein isolate powders for a comparison and you can't tell that its not had cashew nuts or soy cream added to make it creamy...

That should help me keep up my diet prior to my hip replacement and not give me concern about any protein deficiency or similar in the run up.

Thank you
I actually found a recipe for it and made some...had a brain lapse and forgot it was your post and photo that inspired me, lol. It was good but I'm not certain how it's supposed to taste so don't know if my recipe was the best. What recipe do you use, please, if you don't mind sharing?
I actually found a recipe for it and made some...had a brain lapse and forgot it was your post and photo that inspired me, lol. It was good but I'm not certain how it's supposed to taste so don't know if my recipe was the best. What recipe do you use, please, if you don't mind sharing?
I’ll write it up as soon as my arthritis eases up a bit.
I’ll write it up as soon as my arthritis eases up a bit.
No hurry, I won't be doing it anytime soon. I'm sorry that your arthritis is bothering you. Get better
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