What did you cook or eat today (January 2021)?

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Oxtail braised in red wine, beef stock and veggies. Mashed potatoes and sprouts sautéed in butter. I gave it a good 5 hours but I don’t think I will do it again. The spuds and sprouts were the highlight of the meal but the meat, although tasty was just too fatty and too bony for me, I know it’s not actual bone but you know what I mean. Another cut of meat that is in “fashion” for tv chefs methinks!!
Oxtail braised in red wine, beef stock and veggies. Mashed potatoes and sprouts sautéed in butter. I gave it a good 5 hours but I don’t think I will do it again. The spuds and sprouts were the highlight of the meal but the meat, although tasty was just too fatty and too bony for me, I know it’s not actual bone but you know what I mean. Another cut of meat that is in “fashion” for tv chefs methinks!!View attachment 56226
My maternal grandmother made oxtails quite often. I never tried them though. Thanks for your candor.
Oxtail braised in red wine, beef stock and veggies. Mashed potatoes and sprouts sautéed in butter. I gave it a good 5 hours but I don’t think I will do it again. The spuds and sprouts were the highlight of the meal but the meat, although tasty was just too fatty and too bony for me, I know it’s not actual bone but you know what I mean. Another cut of meat that is in “fashion” for tv chefs methinks!!View attachment 56226
I have a friend who owns a restaurant who eats oxtail soup on a regular basis (it's not on his menu but he makes it for himself and his family). I would try it in soup, but thank you for the warning about your preparation method. Maybe try it in another recipe?
I have a friend who owns a restaurant who eats oxtail soup on a regular basis (it's not on his menu but he makes it for himself and his family). I would try it in soup, but thank you for the warning about your preparation method. Maybe try it in another recipe?
I definitely would try it in soup by taking it all off the bone but as a stand alone meat ingredient? Nope, won't be doing it again.
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I definitely would try it in soup by taking it all off the bone but as a stand alone meat ingredient? Nope, won't be doing it again.
Yes, that's how my friend does it. Cooks and removes the bone, then adds other ingredients.
Prawn cutlets -- another new term to me. The cutlet part.

They look a little freezer burned. Try to buy them with the shells on. It's more work, but the shells protect the meat from freezer burn.


Yeah I noticed looked a bit freezer burnt, I got these from a new place that's just opened, on a main road I use all the time. Tasted just fine. I'll give them benefit of doubt this time. I hate peeling prawns.

Brunch was poached eggs and bacon on naan with yoghurt, mango chutney, chilli and coriander. I recently bought some chai powdered tea sachets and they’re very good. Went well with the dish. Have made my own chai tea but these sachets are a great quick fix.

Diner was fillet steak, dauphinois and green beans. It’s my husband’s birthday dinner treat.
I like the shells to keep for making stock, too. I do think that shell-on seem to taste better. I also never understood people who buy shrimp and prawns already pre-cooked. Flavorless rubber.

I bought for convenience, wife hates seafood so I cookem real quick, and eat quick as well.
If I was entertaining, I would buy fresh. Whole.

So a great surprise has happened after years of doing cooking, my wife asked if I wanted some toast and marmalade, something I like a lot, I sat here with my mouth open, am I dreaming? I said what? She repeated it again, hell yes, man it was good, two pieces of toast with marmalade.
I hope I didn't just dream it,lol.

So a great surprise has happened after years of doing cooking, my wife asked if I wanted some toast and marmalade, something I like a lot, I sat here with my mouth open, am I dreaming? I said what? She repeated it again, hell yes, man it was good, two pieces of toast with marmalade.
I hope I didn't just dream it,lol.

She's just treating you nice before she does you in. :eek: :laugh:
I bought for convenience, wife hates seafood so I cookem real quick, and eat quick as well.
If I was entertaining, I would buy fresh. Whole.

Oh no, I completely understand. Being the only person who likes seafood in the house must be difficult.
I definitely would try it in soup by taking it all off the bone but as a stand alone meat ingredient? Nope, won't be doing it again.
Oxetail is like beef short ribs or a beef shank. It is very tender meat when you cook it for hours, but there will be a lot of fat. For people who love beef fat, it is heaven. For those of us who don't like all that fat, we have to do a lot of cutting to enjoy the incredibly tender and flavorful meat -- and dispose of the fat. I dispose of the fat in my dog's bowl. He loves it, and it doesn't have any adverse affects on him -- at least at his current age. It's supposed to make his coat shine. Whatever. As long as it doesn't make him barf or crap on my carpet, I'm fine.

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