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What did you cook or eat today (March 2023)?

We went to see our solicitors (lawyers) this morning to discuss the will. Fairly straightforward, because there are no complications to the inheritance. By the time we´d finished, we were starving, so off we went to The Oak on the Green for lunch. We´d been there about 3 weeks ago and there was a dish on the special menu: Baked Cod Loin with Chorizo Crust and Patatas Bravas. 3 weeks ago, we´d all asked for the dish, only to be told " Sorry, cod´s off!"😭😭😭
This time, we called ahead. When we got there, the server told us "YES! There are 12 left!", to which we replied " Wrong. Now there are olny 9!"
Absolutely delicious, and sorry for not posting a photo, but we were starving. Well worth waiting 3 weeks for.
We went to see our solicitors (lawyers) this morning to discuss the will. Fairly straightforward, because there are no complications to the inheritance. By the time we´d finished, we were starving, so off we went to The Oak on the Green for lunch. We´d been there about 3 weeks ago and there was a dish on the special menu: Baked Cod Loin with Chorizo Crust and Patatas Bravas. 3 weeks ago, we´d all asked for the dish, only to be told " Sorry, cod´s off!"😭😭😭
This time, we called ahead. When we got there, the server told us "YES! There are 12 left!", to which we replied " Wrong. Now there are olny 9!"
Absolutely delicious, and sorry for not posting a photo, but we were starving. Well worth waiting 3 weeks for.

I'll have the Dedham Vale 28-35 day 10oz dry-aged ribeye steak. Medium-rare please.

I noticed that the "fajita" menu didn't actually offer "fajita," AKA: skirt steak. Chicken, corn and duck only. Not that I can imagine myself ordering Mexican food in the UK.

I noticed that the "fajita" menu didn't actually offer "fajita," AKA: skirt steak. Chicken, corn and duck only. Not that I can imagine myself ordering Mexican food in the UK
Yep - no way was I going to order Mexican. NO WAY! First of all, because I wouldn´t trust any Englishman (except me, of course :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: ) cooking decent Mexican food, and secondly, they don´t use the right cuts of meat, the right spices/herbs, they don´t understand "tatemado" and they truly believe that burritos are Mexicans´ favourite food.
A few weeks ago, my bro had the Chicken Veracruz.
As expected, it was awful!
(Edited to add): I just checked out London, to see if there might possibly be at least ONE decent, authentic Mexican restaurant in one of the world´s great cities. When I read this:
"Who doesn’t love a plateful of tortilla chips heaped with salsa, guacamole and jalapeños and smothered in gooey cheese?"
I knew I was wasting my time.
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Dinner last night was breaded veal, breaded eggplant, homemade rice pilaf, steamed broccoli.

We went to see our solicitors (lawyers) this morning to discuss the will. Fairly straightforward, because there are no complications to the inheritance. By the time we´d finished, we were starving, so off we went to The Oak on the Green for lunch. We´d been there about 3 weeks ago and there was a dish on the special menu: Baked Cod Loin with Chorizo Crust and Patatas Bravas. 3 weeks ago, we´d all asked for the dish, only to be told " Sorry, cod´s off!"😭😭😭
This time, we called ahead. When we got there, the server told us "YES! There are 12 left!", to which we replied " Wrong. Now there are olny 9!"
Absolutely delicious, and sorry for not posting a photo, but we were starving. Well worth waiting 3 weeks for.
I'd love to see that recipe!
I asked my wife to buy some pork fat from the afternoon market to render down to provide cooking fat. She bought a couple of pieces of pork belly and the stall holder asked what she was going to do with it. My wife told her that we were going to render it down. She replied, "I have loads of pork fat, here you can have this for free".


Today was a mixed bag of ups and downs. Ups on the food front, downs on the house cleaning front.

But i was pretty pleased with these 5 hard boiled egg yolks that were destined for our evening meal. They get mashed with 2 heaped teaspoons of wholegrain mustard and a generous teaspoon of balsamic vinegar before being stirred into the yoghurt and saffron mixture that was to be our evening meal (among with some extra protein).

Last time I made this soup we decided that there was too much radish in it (with the tomatoes and cucumber and potatoes). We discussed changing the veg to what we know as our (vegan) New England Chowder base (potatoes, sweetcorn, garden peas and red pepper). So that's what I did along with trembling the mint, dill, coriander and parsley. The recipe just states mixed fresh herbs, so I made it to from what was growing in the garden (dill and mint) and what I had in the kitchen (parsley and coriander).

It was excellent. Hubby stated he much preferred the radish less crunchy and asked what I done to them? Omitted was my answer :roflmao:

Lunch was not my usual. I passed it up in exchange for the calories from a vegan cornetto... I've been on my feet cleaning the sitting room since 8am this morning and I needed a treat!
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