What did you cook or eat today (May 2020)?

Green peppercorn steak fillet


I have a kitchen torch that I use for brulee or meringue type things. When we roast peppers or similar size jobs, Craig takes them outside and uses a plumber's torch that he also uses to light charcoal.

When I was nowt but a toddler (and probably many years before that) my dear old Mum used to light the coal fire with what she called "paper chips". We don't have home fires here but I still use these to assist in lighting the charcoal in the barbecue.

Duck marinated with shaohsing rice wine and soy sauce, with a plum sauce (plums, caster sugar, white wine vinegar, simmered and reduced, with a little lime juice and coriander), a salad with orange pieces and toasted hazelnuts, and an olive oil, sherry vinegar, orange juice and honey dressing, and new potatoes.

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Last night, after a couple or 3 Moscow Mules, I figured having dinner would be a good idea.
I did not want to take anything out of the freezer. Rummaged in the fridge. I had these unusual English Muffins. I ordered a package for pick up allowing substitutions thinking I would just get a different brand. I got this instead.

I also had creamed spinach left over from dinner Wednesday. Really wanted Prosiutto or other ham - bacon only. Plenty of eggs, butter, cream, wine and lemon juice for a Beurre Blanc sauce. No artichoke bottoms except in oil.
If Eggs Benedict and Eggs Sardou had a baby and the baby had a genetic abnormality this would be it.


An unusual English Muffin toasted and buttered, bacon, creamed spinach, poached egg, Beurre Blanc sauce
I've seen those muffins before. They are pricey but supposedly very healthy.

Very clever creation!
Yes, I imagine they were dense. I prefer the less healthy variety myself.
I saw recipes online to make English muffins. Maybe I'll give it a try this week. I also saw one for bagels.
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