What do you cook on the grill when out camping?


9 Apr 2014
Local time
3:51 PM
I have never went camping with just a tent and a grill so this will be a first for my family. What can you cook on a grill besides the obvious? This is so new to me so any help would be appreciated!
What sort of grill are you talking about here? I ask because some of the ones I have come across are huge and there was absoluelty no reason as to why you could not cook almost conventionally on it. So for instance - this one in Denmark where we lit a small fire in the corner of it and used both pots & a kettle on it! We could have bbq'ed if we had wanted to but didn't want to that night!

Generally chicken or fish if I get lucky fishing. I will do veggies on the grill but often times I wrap them up in foil and put them right into the fire. Terrific way to cook a potato. Corn on the cob does well on the grill as well.
I was wondering about this as well because we usually just resort to barbecue, vegetables and canned food (when we really don't want to grill) when camping. Now that we're doing another camping soon, well, I'm also wondering the other things we could grill HAHA - especially since one of my friends is really picky and demanding when it comes to the food ("We always eat the same stuff," "There's no variety," "The food is boring," hahaha)
Simple favorite for camping food would be hot dogs and burger patties. Another personal favority would be a large can of pork and bean. Open the top of the can and let it sit on the grille on a open flame for a few minutes. Stir frequently so the bottom of the can does not burn. After it warms up drop in a few slices of hot dogs and let that heat up as well. When it is as decnet temperature serve hot. Done.
Grills can accommodate anything under the sun from the usual meat (beef, pork, chicken) to marshmallows, hotdogs and veggies. Perhaps you can try wrapping your favorite meat with lemon grass and marinating it with chilli, garlic and honey sauce. Although you can do the typical barbecue too, you can add variety to the ingredients you use or your method of cooking.
i cook kitten
My Mum always said eat young dog, and old cat.

I think this was on the basis of cats being useful for keeping the rice clear of rats and mice and so you only eat them after they have had a live of work. where as dogs, just breed and eat.
i cook kitten,pork,bief

Seriously, you cook kittens on the grill? Wow, I've never heard of that before. What do they taste like? I would have thought they didn't have much meat to be honest. You didn't mean to put "chicken" did you?
Seriously, you cook kittens on the grill? Wow, I've never heard of that before. What do they taste like? I would have thought they didn't have much meat to be honest. You didn't mean to put "chicken" did you?

I'm guessing they meant chicken. Like you say, no meat to speak of on a kitten...

If you did cook kitten, it would have to be on a barbe-cute.
If I get chance in the summer we fish off our boat(only a 4 metre rib)we then bbq our catch on the beach or slip way,makeral,pollock,gurnard are good,fillet them through,olive oil grill on a hot plate squeeze of lemon juice
You can put just about anything on the grill if you know how to cook it right. My dad has grilled a whole turkey before and it was the best tasting bird that I have ever had. My favorite things to grill while out camping are steak, vegetable and meat kebabs, grilled veggies, and fish.
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