What do you dip your french fries in?


14 Apr 2015
Local time
9:06 PM
Japan (expat by way of Australia and USA)
Do you have a favorite thing you like to dip your french fries in?

For me, it's either plain ketchup, BBQ sauce, sweet and sour sauce or sweet chili. Sometimes I'll mix ketchup and mustard together too.

What about you?
Usually ketchup. Also don't forget about the mayonnaise based dips... I know it sounds strange but I was really surprised by how well it works. Even plain mayonnaise works really well if you can't find or don't want to spend time making a mayonnaise based dip.
Usually ketchup. Also don't forget about the mayonnaise based dips... I know it sounds strange but I was really surprised by how well it works. Even plain mayonnaise works really well if you can't find or don't want to spend time making a mayonnaise based dip.
I don't think mayo sounds odd...my son often has mayo with chips. Personally, I hate the stuff! Good old Tommy K or HP sauce will suffice - but usually I just have them with salt and vinegar sprinkled over, fish 'n chip shop style.
I often dip my fries in mayo, glad to hear I'm not the only one! My husband thinks I'm a bit strange for doing so. I'll have to tell him it's popular!
Tartar sauce for me! I have had people look at me very strange for doing this but it tastes so good and many people around where I live do it. It was funny a few years ago I went to Texas for a work trip and I ordered a burger and fries in the restaurant I was eating at, and asked for a side of tartar sauce for my fries. The waitress looked at me strange and asked me where I was from! I really confused her that day.
Plain mayo but + 1 for the good old vinegar and salt [this is better with good old solid 'chips' too - french fries always seem to be a bit 'weedy' for salt and vinegar]
I like to dip my fries in ranch dressing. Believe it or not, the best tasting bottled ranch dressing (at least to me) I've found is Walmart's Great Value brand. Fries and ranch is a real guilty pleasure for me. Ketchup will do in a pinch.
I like to dip my fries in ranch dressing. Believe it or not, the best tasting bottled ranch dressing (at least to me) I've found is Walmart's Great Value brand. Fries and ranch is a real guilty pleasure for me. Ketchup will do in a pinch.
Fries are delicious dipped in ranch dressing too. I especially like the buttermilk ranch for dipping in. Seems as though we all have our own unique ways of eating fries.
For me it has to be ketchup or BBQ sauce. My mother however dips hers in chili sauce and mayonnaise mixed together. It's an odd combination but she's always loved. it.

Sometimes I'll mix ketchup and mustard together too.

I've never thought of mixing those two together. What's it like? Maybe I'll have to give it a go!
I must confess the mayonnaise did take me by surprise but I have heard of it so much I just figure ' to each his own". For me it's going to be ketchup and on the odd occasion a dip in some sort of cheese sauce is fine. My son seems to like barbecue sauce so sometimes I have dip it see what he thinks is so great about it.
When I dip my french fries I use ketsup. Sometimes I just eat them with a little salt.
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