What do you want to cook -- what's caught your eye?


Senior Member
21 Apr 2021
Local time
4:36 AM
yokohama, japan
Ya'll say you want some new topics, how about what you WANT to cook, not what you necessarily will cook or just made. Post links and pics if you can, for a clearer idea of what you mean. :)

As some of you know, I have a YouTube channel and so I end up watching a lot of cooking videos and it's become really rare for me to find something that I feel I have to make, but this man's work just blows me away and this dish in particular is on my radar -- it just looks absolutely amazing.

So share what's got your heart in a flutter.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p3Ksa1k-1bI
One thing I want to make is from the SPAM skit by Monty Python... Lobster Thermidor aux crevettes with a Mornay sauce, garnished with truffle pâté, brandy and a fried egg on top, and Spam. I think it would be fun, but I'd only do it if I had at least one other cook to help.

I wanted to cook bibimbap at one time, and finally did it. It turned out well, but when I was done cooking, it looked like a grocery bomb went off in my kitchen. That's what keeps me from venturing too deeply into complex dishes.

One thing I want to make is from the SPAM skit by Monty Python... Lobster Thermidor aux crevettes with a Mornay sauce, garnished with truffle pâté, brandy and a fried egg on top, and Spam. I think it would be fun, but I'd only do it if I had at least one other cook to help.

I wanted to cook bibimbap at one time, and finally did it. It turned out well, but when I was done cooking, it looked like a grocery bomb went off in my kitchen. That's what keeps me from venturing too deeply into complex dishes.

you didn't marry the right person.
in this household all I need to do is to put a knife down when I'm cooking and it is whisked away and washed and in the drying rack before you know it.
I just pick it up out of the drying rack and use it again. :giggle:
25 years of marriage and he's yet to work it out.
you didn't marry the right person.
in this household all I need to do is to put a knife down when I'm cooking and it is whisked away and washed and in the drying rack before you know it.
I just pick it up out of the drying rack and use it again. :giggle:
25 years of marriage and he's yet to work it out.

Actually, my ex-wife and I made a good team in the kitchen. She was a talented baker, and I did a lot of the cooking. When her baked goods were in the oven, she would usually clean up after me as I cooked -- she hated a dirty kitchen. She did generally ask me if I was finished using something before she took it to be washed.

She did generally ask me if I was finished using something before she took it to be washed.
yeah. I think its selective muteness...

I'll put it down, go over to the stove, came back & it's gone! lol. He'd save himself so much washing up if he simply waited until I've finished...
I watch a lot of cooking videos, but it's as much for entertainment as anything else - I just like watching people cook.

The only thing I can think of coming up is a green bean gratin that I recently watched a video for. That's getting made for Christmas Day.
I WANT to cook everything in Anthony Bourdain's Les Halles/and Appetites cookbook, but I don't have enough money or friends to do so. This is my problem with a lot of more elaborate cooking, I have a very limited social circle due to my disabilities. I have 3 friends and they live in different parts of the country so getting them together is hard. And I don't have any relatives either except my mother in law who is 86 and uninterested in food plus vegetarian.

Aside from that I want to learn to bake bread, but so far it's tested my patience too much due to the stress of the rest of my situation. I hope I will have a better year in 2022 which will allow me to do so. Paul Hollywood's books are waiting!
I wanted to cook bibimbap at one time, and finally did it. It turned out well, but when I was done cooking, it looked like a grocery bomb went off in my kitchen. That's what keeps me from venturing too deeply into complex dishes.


I've got my recipe down to 2 bowls, a skillet, a colander and a pot, plus parts can be prepped and some even cooked ahead if desired.
Can't think of anything i want to cook that i haven't already. There are a few dishes i would like to cook again, but are so much work that I don't know if i ever will, like a John Besh gnocchi, lump crab, seafood pan sauce with truffles that is lick your plate worthy, or my bayoubaise recipe, we're talking most of the day prep on both of those. I would like to make a foie torchon again, but that too was a lot of work over several days.

I still haven't made anything with the caul fat i bought as haven't come across a dish that really captures my attention. Maybe something will come up on the holiday cooking shows we'll be innundated with over the next few weeks.
Oh, I thought of one - I'd like to make a proper bakery-worthy Black Forest cake.

I know, that doesn't seem too auspicious, but I'm crap at cakes...oh, and a Yule log cake.

That was so much fun to make. I posted mine. Made the decorations over several days, but I would make the cake and the filling the day before if i ever did it again so that I'd just have to make the frosting and finish the day of.

Finding kirschwasser was the hardest thing about making a black forest cake for me back when i first made 1 for Craig. Now it's more available.
Finding kirschwasser was the hardest thing about making a black forest cake for me back when i first made 1 for Craig. Now it's more available.
Kirsch used to be easy to get around here, but a few years, all the liquor stores in Ohio stopped carrying it.

I found out later that periodically, the state commerce board (or whatever they're called) reviews their list of approved spirits to sell, and that's what the liquor stores are allowed to carry...and they'd removed kirsch.

I can still get it, but I have to drive about an hour over the river to Kentucky to get it.
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