What foods do you crave following Christmas over-indulgence?


6 Jan 2015
Local time
9:44 PM
I begin to crave really simple things like scrambled eggs, pasta with pesto sauce, and today all I really want is some homemade chicken soup! After all of the rich food and indulgence of the winter holidays, my tastebuds seem to become jaded, and I need to eat very lightly and simply for a while. How about you?
Well after all of the Christmas delicacies, I too prefer to eat simple meals for a while. Soup is one of those dishes that I like to make after a Christmas holiday, and in fact I have already done so using the Christmas ham bone to flavour the soup. I would also cook simple meals like chicken chowmein or cream potatoes with minced meat or corn beef. I don't think I will be eating dessert for a while and I will also take a break from chocolates and sweets which are a holiday indulgence as well.
I honestly don't overindulge for Xmas but whenever I pull out all the stops for any major occasion or event, I crave things like a tuna sandwich or some spaghetti/macaroni and corn beef. We have some local eclipse biscuits that I like to munch on with some cheese as well. For me these little things are the simple eating pleasures not to mention they are prepared in no time which is right down my alley.
I have really been craving "fresh food", what I mean by that is food that you would have in the summer. Maybe, I am just really disliking winter and need some sort of summer-y nostalgia. I'd like to have a caprese with good tomatoes, and a pasta salad with arugula, cantaloupe, cherry tomatoes, and carrots. I know that I can have that now but the taste won''t be the same as some things are not in season. I am just keeping my fingers crossed that this winter breezes by.
I, strangely enough, crave fruit and veggies. My fruit and veggie consumption goes up dramatically after the holidays compared to during. I guess that's my body telling me all the meat and sweets have caught up to me!

Also, tea. Lots and lots of tea :)
Fruit, veg and salad. We don't indulge too much over Christmas and we certainly don't eat lots of sweets and crisps.
I don't normally crave anything after Christmas, but this year life has not been a normal Christmas and new year and I find myself craving a couple of my facilities dishes which I can't get my husband to cook. One is simply to boil some rice with cashew nuts and serve with a touch of soya sauce. Another is La Socca (chickpea flour pancakes), another is simply noodles in a bowl of brown miso soup and finally something tasty and spicy, my bung it Indian with rice and homemade chapatti.
I have been craving crunchy salads. After all the hot cooked food, I have been wanting something lighter and healthier and it seems like I'm not the only one!
I begin to crave really simple things like scrambled eggs, pasta with pesto sauce, and today all I really want is some homemade chicken soup! After all of the rich food and indulgence of the winter holidays, my tastebuds seem to become jaded, and I need to eat very lightly and simply for a while. How about you?
I focus on eating health year around, although it took some time to get to that point, in the end health is number one in my life. I do my best to find a healthier version to my favorite dishes of the past. Now my taste buds crave mainly healthy foods, like fruits and veggies.
My cravings after Christmas continue with all the leftovers you have. I like to take the leftover turkey, cut it up into tiny pieces, mix with some mayo and have a sandwich. I also like taking the leftover turkey and instead of making chicken noodle soup, I make turkey noodle soup. Might as well use it all up, we only make it once per year and I don't like it all to go to waste. Okay, now I've made myself hungry, darn it!! LOL :woot:
Salad and lots of it. Salad makes me feel like my insides are getting cleaned out and it's really healthy and low calorie. By the end of Christmas I was so ready yo be done with goodies. I am so glad I didn't have to deal with large amounts of leftovers.
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