What herbs and spices do you use on a daily basis?


22 Jan 2015
Local time
12:36 PM
NW Pennsylvania, Erie Region
And why? I usually almost always three types of salt in a day (onion, garlic, sea salt) and numerous garnishments (mints, parsley, etc) on the side for added flair. I feel without the extra effort a meal is just a lump of ingredients improperly cooked.

So do regale me, tell me what you use.
I usually use ground pepper and chilli powder every chance I can, as well as most other spicy things and sauces whenever I get the chance. To be honest, they just taste really good to me and add a kick to whatever I'm cooking, but that's probably because I'm used to a more Cajun approach to food, which usually means I'd use things like pepper or hot sauce.
I really love Basil. I try to use it in everything I can, but I can't say that I use it everyday because it has distinctive flavor that probably does not go with every dish on a daily basis. Most of the time it is salt and pepper on a daily basis along with onions and garlic that tends to be the base of most everything I make.
Most of the time I always use mushroom powder for stir frying my vegetables, for my soups and vegetable omelet because it does not require to use salt for cooking any more because of its good taste. And of course nothing compare can to the great use of garlic and onion to make our dish taste better. Ground pepper also makes my simple dish like soups and marinations to have a delicious taste!
At one time I was using fresh garlic in my cooking every day, but now I use it less often and depend more on dried spices such as ginger, cumin, mustard, tumeric, coriander, chili and paprika. I don't use all of them every day, but I use one or more daily.

Herbs I use regularly include dried origano, and when they are in season I often use fresh chives and mint.
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