What herbs, spices and seasonings can do for you and your body


15 Feb 2014
Local time
2:20 PM
Did you know that there are many different qualities that herbs, spices and seasonings have?:woot:
Like Lavender has therapeutic qualities. Cinnamon can help for heartburn etc.
If you know of any others, why not let us all know:):thumbsup:
I mainly know the properties from herbs used to make teas, but actual spices and seasonings I don't.
I know for example, that horsetail is great to calm down your stomach and good for people with gastritis and ulcers. Green tea is diuretic, antioxidant, anti-aging and good for your heart. Hibiscus tea (my very favorite!) is antioxidant and diuretic as well (as most teas are), but it's also good to control blood pressure and cholesterol.
Seeing as I have the flu I've been eating garlic like no tomorrow. Apparently it's supposed to help!
Garlic is a big one. It has all sorts of good healing powers, from yeast infections on up. I love it inside and out.

I also know that ginger helps settles nausea. When I'm pregnant I get super sick at the beginning and have had luck stomaching tea with fresh shaved ginger in it. Peppermint has a similar effect.

Turmeric and of course cayenne pepper have been touted as cures for common colds, sore throats, sinus and upper respiratory infections, etc. I know for sure cayenne pepper is a nasal passage clearer, if you can handle it. :)
If you have flu the 'urban legend' in my town is that you take a shot glass 25ml - 50 ml, pour a shot of brandy in it, add in some ginger and two aspirins then knock it back and get in bed and sweat it out. I used to be a bartender so I had to shake my cold's and flu as quickly as possible.
Sounds similar to the hot toddy I have just had. Juice a lemon, shot or 2 :)whistling:) of whisky of choice, honey to sweeten and top up the glass with boiling/hot water. No need for paracetamol usually (can't have aspirin being allergic to NSAID's).
I believe that frest fresh lemon, as in the fruit, is also good for a sore throat so if you chow like half or a whole lemon today, any pain in the throat should be gone by tommorow, something to do with all the vitamin C that it contains.
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I believe that frest lemon, as in the fruit, is also good for a sore throat so if you chow like half or a whole lemon today, any pain in the throat should be gone by tommorow, something to do with all the vitamin C that it contains.
regretfully I can't have too much fruit and certainly not untamed lemon juice (medical condition) but you are right, it is the vitamin c that helps (along with getting a good night's sleep from the whisky). Thankfully there is no sore throat because I now have the first part of a 42 mile commute to cycle!
There is some great information on this thread. Turmeric is a great anti inflammatory. It has also been found to help reduce memory loss associated with aging. It's also a great teeth whitener. Oregano is one of the best antioxidants.
There is some great information on this thread. Turmeric is a great anti inflammatory. It has also been found to help reduce memory loss associated with aging. It's also a great teeth whitener. Oregano is one of the best antioxidants.
Hey cool, I did not know that, maybe I should start brushing my teeth with Tumeric lol!
Green tea or basil can both help you relax if you are stressed out. I have not tried out basil yet, but I can say that a few cups of hot green tea work really great. L-Theanine in green tea has actually the same properties as synthetic stress medicine, only that it is natural and much more easy to absorb and without side effects.
Green tea or basil can both help you relax if you are stressed out. I have not tried out basil yet, but I can say that a few cups of hot green tea work really great. L-Theanine in green tea has actually the same properties as synthetic stress medicine, only that it is natural and much more easy to absorb and without side effects.
Hey that's really interesting thanks for the info, I have been drinking green tea for many years and did not know that, I usually have a about one or two cups a week but this makes me think I should have it more often!
Sounds similar to the hot toddy I have just had. Juice a lemon, shot or 2 :)whistling:) of whisky of choice, honey to sweeten and top up the glass with boiling/hot water. No need for paracetamol usually (can't have aspirin being allergic to NSAID's).

Hm. I wonder if this is safe during pregnancy.

No. Seriously. Maybe just one shot? Instead of two.

I have moved out of the nauseous 1st trimester and into the headache land of 2nd trimester. And of course, the jury is still out on what kind of drugs (OTC or otherwise) are going to give my fetus 9 toes, 3 eyes, or an inability to focus when he's in Kindergarten in public school.

Frankly, I feel like through the ages, alcohol is the one thing (in moderation) that has proven to be pretty much fine.

As for the rest of these ideas, I'm getting seriously excited about my little container herb garden this summer.
Hm. I wonder if this is safe during pregnancy.

No. Seriously. Maybe just one shot? Instead of two.

I have moved out of the nauseous 1st trimester and into the headache land of 2nd trimester. And of course, the jury is still out on what kind of drugs (OTC or otherwise) are going to give my fetus 9 toes, 3 eyes, or an inability to focus when he's in Kindergarten in public school.

Frankly, I feel like through the ages, alcohol is the one thing (in moderation) that has proven to be pretty much fine.

As for the rest of these ideas, I'm getting seriously excited about my little container herb garden this summer.
Given it is the alcohol content/volume of that is the issue with pregnancy, rather than the 'style' of alcohol consumed, (what form it comes in so red wine verses whisky) I can't see that it would be a problem provided it stays within the 'safe' guidelines or what you have been advised by your GP/midwife.
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