What is the worst food texture?


16 Nov 2014
Local time
2:36 PM
Washington, USA
Is there something you will not eat because of the texture while it is in your mouth? For me, it is anything slimy. I can't eat slimy food because it just makes me want to gag even if the flavor is good.
I sort of agree on that one - I don't much like the texture of okra due to the slime, but I do like the taste of them. I can't really think of many 'slimy' foods... I suppose mushrooms can be slimy when cooked, but I don't really mind that, to me they are more silky than slimy. I think some Japanese foods feature sliminess - seaweed, for example. I'm not keen on tough and chewy (but then who is?).
I'm not sure it is a texture really, but it is when I get served food that is not cooked properly and is colder than in should be.
Last night was an example. Vegan chips, eggs, peas, sausage. all cold and under cooked. so exactly how do you undercook peas? I have no idea. Fried egg, oil not hot enough, egg not hot enough, yolk was runny which was nice, but chips anaemic and luke warm and as for the sausage, anaemic and cold. It was horrible.
Neither would I eat anything slimy!! And to me, tripe looks gross!! I just don't like the way that it looks, so I won't eat it!!! :headshake: :yuck: :sick:
My first thought was mush - I don't like food that is all mush with no texture when you bite into it. After I saw your post above though, slimy is definitely undesirable (like okra, ugh!). I can usually avoid slimy though because you can usually look at something and gauge what the texture of it is going to be.
I won't eat mushrooms or raw oysters because of the slimy feeling in my mouth. Otherwise, I would like both of them just fine.
okra plain boiled is just slime and nasty ,but if its in a dish or deep fried I'm ok with it,other than that i can't think of a texture i don't like and only a few tastes,even balut with its soft and crunchy texture has met with joy,caviar has a unusual texture but not bad if taken in small amounts
I'm not sure it is a texture really, but it is when I get served food that is not cooked properly and is colder than in should be.
Last night was an example. Vegan chips, eggs, peas, sausage. all cold and under cooked. so exactly how do you undercook peas? I have no idea. Fried egg, oil not hot enough, egg not hot enough, yolk was runny which was nice, but chips anaemic and luke warm and as for the sausage, anaemic and cold. It was horrible.

Agree on that. Nothing worse than lukewarm undercooked food.
okra plain boiled is just slime and nasty ,but if its in a dish or deep fried I'm ok with it,other than that i can't think of a texture i don't like and only a few tastes,even balut with its soft and crunchy texture has met with joy,caviar has a unusual texture but not bad if taken in small amounts

I'm thinking now that maybe slimy okra is just overcooked okra (although I believe in Gumbo its the slime that's a vital part of the dish). But what is balut?

I love caviar... give me caviar and I'm in a happy place. Love it on little rye bread squares, or more traditionally, on blinis. But I suppose the sensation of the little eggs popping on your palate, might seem gross to some.
I'm thinking now that maybe slimy okra is just overcooked okra (although I believe in Gumbo its the slime that's a vital part of the dish). But what is balut?

I love caviar... give me caviar and I'm in a happy place. Love it on little rye bread squares, or more traditionally, on blinis. But I suppose the sensation of the little eggs popping on your palate, might seem gross to some.
many of our members will love this dish and it is a every day comodity
many of our members will love this dish and it is a every day comodity
Oh my God! I've heard of this before. It wouldn't just be the texture which puts me off, but the thought of it and the sight of it (and I'm not normally really overly sensitive to these things). Be interesting to hear from our Filipino friends about this. But seriously, you have eaten this, Berties?
Oh my God! I've heard of this before. It wouldn't just be the texture which puts me off, but the thought of it and the sight of it (and I'm not normally really overly sensitive to these things). Be interesting to hear from our Filipino friends about this. But seriously, you have eaten this, Berties?
yes i have but not traveling it was replicated at a street market in London years ago now,I'm sure if we even thought about it now the animal rights crew would be out in force!,i know we have mentioned it before on previous threads on what is the worst threads,and there will be forum members coming along that will say how normal occurence the dish is and a splash of vinegar and salt is like us with fish and chips
Oh my God! I've heard of this before. It wouldn't just be the texture which puts me off, but the thought of it and the sight of it (and I'm not normally really overly sensitive to these things). Be interesting to hear from our Filipino friends about this. But seriously, you have eaten this, Berties?

I'm uncomfortable with its texture too but I love the taste. I used to be disgusted by its looks but after eating it a few times, I couldn't stop eating it.
Last week my husband cooked my favorite beef dish, his own concoction called venison dish. It is beef, the venison is just a label. The beef is boiled in a mixture of pineapple juice and 7-up to make it tender. And then he infuses other ingredients that known only to him. Unfortunately, the tenderizing was excessive and the beef slices were soggy and very soft. That's a neat lesson that texture of the food is also important because it adds to the taste.
The worst food texture to me is anything slimy. I always try not to overcook okra and oatmeal because if that happens it won't go down or it makes me sick.
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