What is this root vegetable?


Staff member
11 Oct 2012
Local time
4:18 AM
SE Australia
Nope, this isn't a tiny part or microscopic image and is a genuine plea for help.

I didn't sow this but I did dig it up out of the bean area of my veg plot today whilst cleaning the veg plot up for the winter seeds. I'm not certain what it is frankly. Does anyone have any ideas please?

Colours are true, the top is sunburnt because it was well above ground. The tomatoes are smallish cherry tomatoes also found self seeded in the veg plot (chooks and the native bird population have a lot to answer for! ) the cherry tomatoes were growing in the raspberry section, lol!


Currently my options are turnip or swede/rutabaga. Only this seems to be a white version? I can't match the leaves to internet pictures of either so I'm doubly confused (sorry no pictures, they're in the compost heap).

My guess is turnip from the white, but I'm making any purple except on the leaf stems. I'm possibly ruling out swede/rutabaga because of the white rather than yellowish flesh. What do you think?

It's 1.1kg in weight by the way.
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Another vote for turnip. That’s exactly what that looks like, right down to the stems.

The only concern I’d have with a big turnip is that they can sometimes go soft and kind of dry-tasting. Other than that, just do what you’d normally do with it. My favorite turnip “preparation” - peel it, slice it, salt it, then eat it! 😋
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I´d cut it open, because it looks like a turnip to me.
If it´s woody inside, then chuck it. If it´s not, you could peel it, cook it, mash it with salt, pepper and lots of butter/oil, and snaffle it down.
I too think it just looks like a white turnip, and holy moly that's a big turnip!

Morning Glory, isn't it possible that it could look different because it's some kind of mutant from another planet? :laugh:
Thanks everyone.
Woody is a concern. Chooks are a definite option because they love anything white or yellow and they gobble down stuff like rice like there literally is no tomorrow, so cooking it and mashing it would very definitely work, or dicing it finely.

We realise that we actually don't eat turnips. Never really thought about it until now, but we have no idea what to do with it. I'm currently looking at recipes ideas including kimchi options... I'm sure to cook today for both lunch and evening meal, so I might just cut it in half and see what it's like inside.

Given the number of "wild" tomatoes and even a strawberry plant that has arrived in the chook enclosure under the apple tree, I suspect it is wild sown by rosellas, galahs or cockatoos. They all love to get into the veg plot, into fruit trees and onto the ground to eat fruit and roots, so I wouldn't put it passed any of them.

Morning Glory, I had no idea what it was when I harvested it, so I cut the leaves off not realising that they too are edible. They will have wilted by now though so won't be of much use to salvage from the trailer. I've got a load ready to go to the tip because my compost heaps are getting too plentiful and not toying down fast enough at present.
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