What is usually on your menu for boxing day?

3 Jul 2014
Local time
7:28 PM
As the Christmas meal is usually quite a big affair when we tend to "pull out all the stops" and cook up all the lovely traditional foods of the season, with everything from baked turkey to baked pork, in addition to the ham, the macaroni pie, potato salad, and all the other dishes that we can think of, what is your menu usually like for boxing day? Do you cook something light and simple on this day, or do you continue in the spirit of the season by eating something similar to the Christmas meal, though not as big?

Well for us here, since we usually have such a big meal on Christmas day, there are always enough leftovers for the following day, boxing day. So, basically, it turns out that what we eat on that day is the same as the Christmas meal, minus maybe a dish or so. The difference here, though, is that the portions would be less, which means we would be eating a lot less than what we would have had on Christmas day.
Leftovers from Christmas. We don't really have boxing day here, but after Christmas we pretty much don't eat anything but leftovers until they are all gone.
We usually do a garlic mushroom starter and then the main is like a buffet, even though we sit down for the meal. We make a platter from the leftover Christmas Day meats (turkey, ham and pork), a whole salmon and prawns, salad, breads, a cheese platter, new potatoes and copious amounts of alcohol.
We don't often cook anything special on either day because in past years we would have been camping. Sadly it looks like my back injury is going to prevent that this year so I have no idea, but last year it was toast and homemade pate!
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