What is your definition of a snack?


Staff member
11 Oct 2012
Local time
11:03 AM
SE Australia
What is your definition of a snack? Do healthy snacks actually exist? Do you define a snack as something bad for you, something that came from the snack isle of the supermarket or simply anything eaten between main meals?

To me a snack is something, anything eaten between a main meal. So if you eat the remains of last night's evening meal between say breakfast and dinner (midday meal), then it's a snack of you also eat something for dinner.
I agree with you snsso. A snack could therefore be one of many things. In our car we usually have bottles of water, bags of crisps and gf bars (squashed dried fruut and nuts). At home a snack could be a couple of squares of dark chocolate, half an avocado with dressing, a slice if toast with nut butter, avocado or tomato. A piece of fruit.

But i do get annoyed when I find someone has snacked on leftovers I had planned for the evening meal. It is ok if designated snack food but not ok when part of a meal plan.
Well, I have 2 distinctly traditional meanings for snacks. Normally snacks are prepared from common available ingredients at home, for example: Charcuterie, cheeses, fruits, left overs, sándwiches, dried fruits and sweets ..

However, a tapa or appetiser ( amuses boûches) could be considered a snack to go along with one´s wine or beer at their local bar or café .. or to accompany a café or tea .. or liquor ..
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