What kind of cookies do you like most?

3 Jul 2014
Local time
4:38 AM
Do you have a preference when it comes to eating cookies? Although I like snacking on most cookies, my favourite type of cookies are the ones with cream in the middle. I particularly like Oreo cookies and Teatime biscuits. I have not tasted the latter in a long time though. Years ago I used to see them on the shelves more often. I think they come in smaller packages these days. I like both the vanilla and chocolate ones, but the chocolate ones are nicer, in my opinion.

What are your favourites?
In the days when I used to eat biscuits, I always preferred the perfectly plain type. I'm not sure if you can get them outside the UK, Things such as Rich Tea, Morning Coffee, Marie, Arrowroot.

rich tea.jpg
When I was a child I love those with choco chips and sweet kinds but when I grow older I preferred to eat the ginger snaps. The slight hint of ginger tickles my taste buds enough to make me take another bite.


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Do you have a preference when it comes to eating cookies? Although I like snacking on most cookies, my favourite type of cookies are the ones with cream in the middle. I particularly like Oreo cookies and Teatime biscuits. I have not tasted the latter in a long time though. Years ago I used to see them on the shelves more often. I think they come in smaller packages these days. I like both the vanilla and chocolate ones, but the chocolate ones are nicer, in my opinion.

What are your favourites?
I really love any kind of homemade cookies, but my favorite is pecan sandies. I can eat those all day long! Especially if they are homemade ones. They are so good and even better with some milk.:woot:
I really love any kind of homemade cookies, but my favorite is pecan sandies. I can eat those all day long! Especially if they are homemade ones. They are so good and even better with some milk.:woot:
I never heard of these. Are they American? Intrigued by what you do with the milk. Dunk them in it or cover them in it?
I also love pecan sandies that I have purchased at the store. I have never tried to make my own but I think I will find a recipe to give it a try. I make my own oatmeal raisin cookies which are my favorite.
I never heard of these. Are they American? Intrigued by what you do with the milk. Dunk them in it or cover them in it?
Yes they are american and I love to eat them, it is a shortbread type of cookie and
I also love pecan sandies that I have purchased at the store. I have never tried to make my own but I think I will find a recipe to give it a try. I make my own oatmeal raisin cookies which are my favorite.

I really like those kind of cookies as well, nobody else here likes them but me! Which is ok just means more for me, they are really good. I have never made them homemade I bet they are even better when made from scratch.
I'm not particular with cookies but it is my husband who buys the can of cookies and biscuits. That is for the house consumption, meaning for the housemaids and also for the garbage collector - we put the cookies in a small plastic bag for snacks of those tired men. But when we have oat cookies, that's only for us, hahahaaa. Those oat cookies are expensive and probably nutritious according to the label. In other words, they are not ordinary biscuits to be given away.
I used to say chocolate chips and anything with cinnamon. Sometime back I had a vegan one I liked but it was a box mix. Then recently I saw these ginger snaps and I think I would love those. I like the look of those Morning Glory posted. For a minute and at this time of the morning 12.44am I thought the cookie said Morning Glory and not Morning Coffee. It's late and I am all over the place with these cookies.
Like what I said in a previous post similar to this thread my favorite cookies that I always love to bake is the Oatmeal Raisin Cookies which my family always love to eat. It is not only a healthy kind of food but it really taste good! :)
I am not much of a cookie eater but I will crave them on occasion. When I do I like coconut macaroons. I also like oatmeal raisin or molasses cookies. When we were kids my grandma use to make these awesome molasses cookies. Grandma passed away many years ago now, but to this day, all the grandchildren and great grandchildren still talk about those cookies.
I prefer cake over cookies but when I do eat cookies, I usually choose the sweet kind. I like my cookies soft but does not crumble easily when held. I like my cookies with chocolate. The chocolate can be dark, milk or white chocolates as long as they are big chunks of chocolate. I have also liked a cookie that did not have any chunks of chocolates on it but it was striped with chocolate and the bottom was covered with chocolate, as well. Too sweet for others but perfect for me. Yum.
I'm a sucker for a good chocolate chip cookie. My mother has been making four-ingredient peanut butter cookies which I absolutely love - there's no flour in them so I can eat as many as I want without ending up in hospital :D
I like soft cookies that I can pair with tea or coffee. I like the ones with powdered sugar or jam on top to counter the bitter taste of coffee or tea.
I love the Peek Freans cookies with jam and cream in the middle, they bring me right back to having after school snack with my granny.

Other than that I don't usually buy cookies, because I bake them so often it's sort of a waste to get them from the store. My favourites are madeleine cookies with a little bit of lemon zest, vanilla bean, and powdered sugar. I can seriously eat a whole batch of these to myself, I really like plain simple flavours that aren't overly sweet and they're so good with tea!

Snickerdoodles are my other favourite, the flavour reminds me of cinnamon sugar marshmallows and they have a really unique texture. Ooh, and peanut butter chocolate chip cookies too, especially if the chocolate chips are subbed out for m&m's...I think I'm going to have to bake some cookies today! :)
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