What milk do you buy?


19 Nov 2014
Local time
7:30 PM
I generally buy semi-skimmed milk as it still has a good flavour but less fat. When I am trying to lose weight I will often buy skimmed milk as it is fine in tea and coffee and on cereal, but I do not really like to drink it on its own.

I do love full fat milk but very rarely buy it. I remember when I was young and we still had milk delivered by a milkman and it was such a treat to pen a new bottle and find the thick cream on top - I loved it on my cornflakes!
I usually buy evaporated full cream milk or evaporated partly skimmed milk. I would alternate between the two. I would add this milk to any beverage I am drinking. I do not usually drink milk by itself these days. Evaporated milk is used whenever I have to add milk to anything, like, for instance pancakes, cream potatoes, bread pudding, etc. When I was a child, I liked condensed milk, but have not seen this in the stores for a while. When we used that milk there was no need to add any sugar.
Soya milk. My father can only drink unsweetened due to his diabetes so we monitor the prices all the time.
Lidl, Aldi and Morrisons all 59p for 1L. Lidl is the best value at 6.8% soya.
Mr WD has been told by the dr that he has very high blood pressure, and high cholesterol, amd must change his diet. We have started having semi skimmed mik instead of UHT milk. I don't mind what I have.
I use whole milk. I know that's controversial, but my feeling is that it is a whole food that way, the fat and protein balance the lactose the way God made them to. It also tastes the best. I make sure that whatever brand I am getting is rBST free though, that is very important to me. The good thing is that almost all the brands sold in my area are rBST free now because no one wants that stuff in their milk.
I have young children, so I tend to buy full-fat milk as current guidelines suggest this is what they should have. Personally, I don't really mind which milk we have. When I am dieting, I tend to buy skimmed milk.
I love to buy the milk that is 20% lowfat. I don't get it for health reasons or anything but because it has a taste I prefer over whole or other types of milk. It's also more cost effective which really helps when I need milk fast for a recipe.
I prefer to buy almond milk, but when we have weeks where its a little to pricey we buy 2%.
I always buy semi-skimmed milk. I find that whole is too rich and skimmed is too watery. Semi-skimmed is a nice balance.
I don't buy dairy milk. I don't drink it (can't stand the smell or the tasted) so the only use I ever had for it was for coffee or cooking. Now I don't even put it in coffee anymore. What I do buy, and what I really enjoy, is oat milk. It tastes like oatmeal cookies! It has protein and vitamins so it's good for you without the potential issues of lactose.
2% is what I like and what I grew up drinking and using for everything. I would use different milks depending on the dish I was cooking but overall, if it isn't 2% I don't really care to just drink it. I love milk, I could chug it. But the only chuggable is 2%. Everything else tastes like water or is too thick and gives me that throat feeling like its coming back up lol.
I always get skimmed milk. Whole milk is too high in fat and doesn't serve the purpose for me, because I'm always on a diet or calorie restriction. Also, I have been drinking skimmed milk forever because it's all we bought back when I lived with my parents, so it is the type of milk I am used to. If I'm doing a recipe that requires a fuller milk, I will get half and half. But for drinking, always skimmed.
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