What Piece of Equipment Was the Biggest Waste of Money in Your Kitchen?


19 Mar 2014
Local time
2:48 AM
There are always new gadgets coming on the market that are supposed to save you time. A lot of them are very gimmicky and just take up cupboard space in the kitchen. I have a pancake maker that is still sat in its box. What gimmicks and gadgets have other people wasted money on?
A food processor. Sounds good and it has lots of different blades, but you spend so much time faffing around and cleaning the blooming thing that I never used it.
It's been relegated to the garage where it's been for the last 6 years or so.
A food processor. Sounds good and it has lots of different blades, but you spend so much time faffing around and cleaning the blooming thing that I never used it.
It's been relegated to the garage where it's been for the last 6 years or so.
I have never had a food processor but always wanted one. Instead, I use a hand held blender. They take up less space and cost less to buy. You have put me off buying a food processor now!
I have never had a food processor but always wanted one. Instead, I use a hand held blender. They take up less space and cost less to buy. You have put me off buying a food processor now!

A hand held blender is much much better and far more useful.
We have a juicer which must have been used on about eight occasions only. We had it for about ten years or so. We used it to blend together different fruits and vegetables to make juices which we drank first thing in the morning - not every morning. We would cut up and dice apples, celery, cucumber, and sometimes even garlic, put them in the juicer and blend them together. We figured this was a healthy thing to do, and in fact it was. It made us feel more energetic all throughout the day. That juicer then started taking up needed space in the kitchen as, for some reason, no-one bothered with the juicing anymore. It is just sitting there now covered on the kitchen counter.
We have a juicer which must have been used on about eight occasions only. We had it for about ten years or so. We used it to blend together different fruits and vegetables to make juices which we drank first thing in the morning - not every morning. We would cut up and dice apples, celery, cucumber, and sometimes even garlic, put them in the juicer and blend them together. We figured this was a healthy thing to do, and in fact it was. It made us feel more energetic all throughout the day. That juicer then started taking up needed space in the kitchen as, for some reason, no-one bothered with the juicing anymore. It is just sitting there now covered on the kitchen counter.
Juicing is back in fashion now, or it is in the UK. Perhaps it is time to get the juicer out again? I have never had one of these. I was thinking after I posted this question, that my kitchen equipment is quite basic really considering I do so much cooking. I don't even have a garlic crusher anymore because I hated washing it, it didn't really save me any time and a lot of the garlic was wasted because it got stuck in the crusher.
[QUOTEief79, post: 12274, member: 513"]Juicing is back in fashion now, or it is in the UK. Perhaps it is time to get the juicer out again? I have never had one of these. I was thinking after I posted this question, that my kitchen equipment is quite basic really considering I do so much cooking. I don't even have a garlic crusher anymore because I hated washing it, it didn't really save me any time and a lot of the garlic was wasted because it got stuck in the crusher.[/QUOTE]
Mr WD bought one. He used it probably a dozen times. Needless to say it's not used anymore either......
Reynolld's Handi-Vac..jpg

THIS item.

It was the absolute sorriest most pathetic piece of junk to ever come into my kitchen!!!

The batteries kept on not working after being replaced!! The thing worked great when I first got it.

Then when the time came to replace the batteries, that is when things went downhill! Was replacing the batteries every 2 weeks!!!! I spent more dough on replacing the bloody batteries than I did for the unit itself!!! I just became so mad at this piece of junk that I threw it in the trash!! Went out and bought another one, and that one wouldn't work at all!! Tossed that one out also!

Then, about a few months or so later, I found out about the reason why this piece of junk had stopped working; Reynolds was force to have them and the vacuum sealing bags pulled off the store shelves because of a manufacturing defect / design flaw. Turns out that the drive piston inside the thing is made from a very cheap & flimsy plastic material that kept on breaking, rendering the machine useless & no good!!! So don't buy this piece of junk!! Not worth it!! :eek:
We don't really buy that many appliances but so far the one we don't use very much would be the coffee maker. Everyone here just drinks instant coffee because probably no one wants to deal with washing the machine.
Mine would be a tie between the Jack LaLane Juicer, the Cuisinart Rotisserie Oven, and several Bread Machines I've tried out over the years. I was disappointed with all of them.

The juicer was way too damn big for what it did, it was poorly designed so you couldn't even stand a small glass under the spout. It was also a chore to take the whole thing apart to clean it, not to mention hazardous since the blades were like surgically sharp and would easily cut your fingers. It actually came with a separate attachment you needed to screw in or screw off the blade from the unit for cleaning - and it was easy to misplace or lose this attachment. All the parts would practically fill your whole dishwasher, and the plastic parts easily stained permanently from vegetables such as carrots or beets.

The rotisserie oven was a impossible to clean, would overflow with grease, took just as long if not longer to cook than in the oven with little to no difference in the end result. In fact if anything, it was worse because it was a vertical roaster so all the juices flowed to one side of the chicken while the other side was dryer. The extra attachments were useless - who wants to wait an hour for a burger to cook, while it's slowly spinning inside a rotisserie oven? The vertical kebabs caused everything cooking on them to slide off during the cooking process.

The bread machines always produced weirdly shaped loaves of unpleasantly dense heavy bread. I could never get anything close to a loaf of bread from my local bakeries.
I have never had a food processor but always wanted one. Instead, I use a hand held blender. They take up less space and cost less to buy. You have put me off buying a food processor now!
Put(spend) the money you would have spent on some more of the basics.
Remember, elbow grease is free.
Mine would be a tie between the Jack LaLane Juicer, the Cuisinart Rotisserie Oven, and several Bread Machines I've tried out over the years. I was disappointed with all of them.

The juicer was way too damn big for what it did, it was poorly designed so you couldn't even stand a small glass under the spout. It was also a chore to take the whole thing apart to clean it, not to mention hazardous since the blades were like surgically sharp and would easily cut your fingers. It actually came with a separate attachment you needed to screw in or screw off the blade from the unit for cleaning - and it was easy to misplace or lose this attachment. All the parts would practically fill your whole dishwasher, and the plastic parts easily stained permanently from vegetables such as carrots or beets.

The rotisserie oven was a impossible to clean, would overflow with grease, took just as long if not longer to cook than in the oven with little to no difference in the end result. In fact if anything, it was worse because it was a vertical roaster so all the juices flowed to one side of the chicken while the other side was dryer. The extra attachments were useless - who wants to wait an hour for a burger to cook, while it's slowly spinning inside a rotisserie oven? The vertical kebabs caused everything cooking on them to slide off during the cooking process.

The bread machines always produced weirdly shaped loaves of unpleasantly dense heavy bread. I could never get anything close to a loaf of bread from my local bakeries.

An hour to cook a burger?!!!! My George Forman 360 grill can cook several burgers in about 10 - 12 minutes!!! :eek:
FoodSaver.jpg 2.jpg
These two pieces of crap!

They failed prematurely within 3 months after getting them!!

The problem lies in the heat strip sealer. It too often fails to prematurely, fooling the units into thinking that they produced a perfect vacuum seal, yet the food is moving around in the bags are loose, and the machines just won't work properly!!

I will NEVER but any more of this lousy co's products ever again!! :eek:
View attachment 278 View attachment 279 These two pieces of crap!

They failed prematurely within 3 months after getting them!!

The problem lies in the heat strip sealer. It too often fails to prematurely, fooling the units into thinking that they produced a perfect vacuum seal, yet the food is moving around in the bags are loose, and the machines just won't work properly!!

I will NEVER but any more of this lousy co's products ever again!! :eek:
You print your food out?
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