What slimline dishwasher brands would you recommend?


Supersize Me!
11 Aug 2014
Local time
2:54 AM
We're looking to replace our aging slimline dishwasher. It's a grey-import cheap one that has lasted far longer than expected, and I just wanted to ask if any of you have one, and if so what brand it is and whether you'd recommend the same brand?

We have a reasonable budget so can afford some of the mid-range premium brands like Bosch, but probably not a Miele. :)

So, what have you got, has it lasted / worked well, and would you recommend the brand?

I love my dishwasher - but its not slimline. In the early days of dishwashers (yes I was there!), I used to go for the expensive ones, but these days I think most are pretty OK. And they are a lot cheaper than they used to be! I use a certain on-line company that has next day delivery and has very competitive prices. The model I have at the moment is Beko, which is probably one of the cheapest. I have no fault to find with it. I've had it for 4 years with no problems and its a whole lot cheaper than a Bosch!
We have a Kenwood integrated dishwasher - its just ok when it comes to getting things clean. In terms of price it wasn't the cheapest around but its definitely towards the lower end of the market. We were on a budget at the time coz we had to buy a dishwasher, washing machine, tumble dryer, chest freezer and oven within a few weeks (for the new house) so compromises had to be made. There are certain things I love about it (eg. cutlery tray at the top instead of a basket at the bottom) but I think I'd probably go for something a bit better next time. Our previous Hotpoint (freestanding) dishwasher was great - washed things perfectly.

ChowDownBob - you don't have a location in your profile so I don't know if UK recommendations are any good for you?
We have a Bosch one that had worked pretty much flawlessly on a daily basis (if you discount a repair to the pump and control board) for the past 7 years, so I'd definitely recommend them. German engineering and all that. :okay:

Not so keen on Hotpoint - their stuff doesn't seem to last as long as you'd expect. Not a brand we look at anymore.
The difference in price between the Bosch slimline and Beko slimline is £100. For my money I'd go with the cheaper one at £179.
And until you've cause to pull them apart, you'll never see where the extra was spent.
Kenmore Slimline Portable Dishwasher..jpg

This one, to me, looks like a slimline machine. :wink:
Oh. One those 18-inch ones! :wink:
Yes, around 18" wide (457mm). We're leaning towards Bosch but the Beko brand seems pretty common and competitively priced. I just don't know how long a Beko one would last.

Anyone know anything about Beko?
Yes, around 18" wide (457mm). We're leaning towards Bosch but the Beko brand seems pretty common and competitively priced. I just don't know how long a Beko one would last.

Anyone know anything about Beko?
As I said - Beko is what I have. Its lasted 4 years with no problems.
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