What toppings do you like on your baked potato?


5 Jul 2015
Local time
4:26 PM
My favorite way to eat potatoes are baked in the oven. I like when they get really crispy. I am not crazy about them being done in the microwave but I know lots of people who prepare them that way. I like to top them with garlic butter and sour cream. I have also done them up with cheese and broccoli and sometimes with chili if I have any made up. So what toppings do you use when you have a baked potato?
I like to bake my potatoes in the oven too. I don't wrapped them in tin foil I just throw them in the hot oven. My sister in law's father is a potato farmer in Maine and she tells me this is the only way to bake a potato. I like sour cream, bacon bits and green onions on my baked potato. My kids love grated cheddar cheese or parmesan cheese on a baked potato. My husband will put blue cheese on his. If I'm feeling up to it I'll do a twice baked potato by taking out the inside of the potato, then mixing it sour cream and stuffing it back in the potato skin and topping it with cheese and bacon and baking it for another 20 minutes.
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My favorite baked potato toppings are shredded cheese, bacon, salsa...in fact I've made baked potatoes before that were a bit like a taco-bowl in terms of toppings - they're great with some taco seasoned ground beef, cheese, salsa, black beans and cilantro...I'm getting hungry now!
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My favorite baked potato toppings are shredded cheese, bacon, salsa...in fact I've made baked potatoes before that were a bit like a taco-bowl in terms of toppings - they're great with some taco seasoned ground beef, cheese, salsa, black beans and cilantro...I'm getting hungry now!
That sounds really good. I never thought of those toppings on a baked potato before. It is a meal in a potato. I am definitely going to give it a try.
That sounds really good. I never thought of those toppings on a baked potato before. It is a meal in a potato. I am definitely going to give it a try.

That's why I love it - it fills me right up and even hubby can add as much taco meat/toppings to his potato as he likes, so that he's full too! Plus it's pretty economical which is always nice for the household budget! :)
You wouldn't believe it LB I was just thinking of this discussion the other day. I almost posted it. I like many toppings on baked potato. I love cheese, sour cream, bacon bits, broccoli. green onions.even taco topping. The last time I went to a church dinner they had a baked potato bar with an awesome amount of toppings, plus tossed salad that was basically the meal..
I like to bake my potatoes in the oven too. I don't wrapped them in tin foil I just throw them in the hot oven. My sister in law's father is a potato farmer in Maine and she tells me this is the only way to bake a potato. I like sour cream, bacon bits and green onions on my baked potato. My kids love grated cheddar cheese or parmesan cheese on a baked potato. My husband will put blue cheese on his. If I'm feeling up to it I'll do a twice baked potato by taking out the inside of the potato, then mixing it sour cream and stuffing it back in the potato skin and topping it with cheese and bacon and baking it for another 20 minutes.
Yeah, @purplepen88 that sounds like a twice baked potato. That is a good way to prepare them usually they do involve cheddar cheese however, in place of sour cream. I haven't had those for a long time. Maybe this week I will make something like that. It is good to change up the routine every one in a while. It is one of the things that you can get something differerent.
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Bake potatoes on a bed of salt,cut in half scoop the potato out add some melted butter and lardons of cooked smoked bacon and chopped scallions place bake in the skins and top with grated cheese and then back in the oven till golden
When I could have dairy, my favourite was simply a good quality cheddar cheese melted into the potato to the point where it just started to get crisp around the edges and was chewy on the page and wonderfully gooey on the potato. If I was wanting something slightly sweeter and less fatty then I would add half a chopped onion. Nothing else.
Cheese, garlic butter, grated onions, sweet pepper, minced ham and bacon are a few of the things that come to mind. I feel like potatoes are just great for experimenting with and for that reason I feel like the possibilities are endless when it comes to what to top them with.
I don't often keep fresh chives on hand, due to their cost and because I can never seem to use them up before they go bad, but I absolutely love them on baked potatoes along with some butter, sour cream, salt and pepper. I really prefer their more delicate onion-y flavor over just plain old scallions, which I admittedly have on hand more often.

If I go out to a restaurant, I will typically get a "loaded" baked potato. But when I make them at home, I keep things more simple because I don't feel like dirtying up cutting boards and plates and knives.

When I make large batches of Chili - towards the end when I am finishing up the rest of the batch, I will start eating it over a baked potato, for a little variety, and as a quick/simple lunch or dinner.

I agree, potatoes baked in the oven are far better than microwaved ones. I really dislike how the microwave cooks them unevenly, with parts of the potato becoming chewy and overcooked while other parts are still raw.
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