What type of coffee do you prefer?

14 Sep 2013
Local time
11:10 AM
Not talking about different coffee brands or flavors in this thread but about ground, instant etc.
Nowadays we have so many different types to choose from, which is your favorite?

I love ground coffee and it's the only way I'd prepare my coffee at home. However due to not having a lot of time sometimes at work I do have that instant coffee that I just have to mix with hot water. It's a lot more simple and fast but the taste is far from fantastic.
I've fallen into the Keurig/Tassimo coffee trend. I was lucky enough to receive both brewing systems from a survey company to review and I fell in love with both. I think the quality of coffee is comparable to something you would buy from a coffee shop. There is also such a large range of k-cups and tassimo disks you can buy. I really like the Timothy's Colombian blend, because it is a strong flavor and doesn't contain any artificial ingredients. I also should note I drink my coffee black. The rest of my family really like having the artificially flavored blends like hazelnut vanilla, butter toffee, etc. It isn't super cheap to buy the k-cups/disks but it is a pretty impressive product.
I used to love ground coffee made of dark roasted beans, in fact I still enjoy it, but I have not found the right coffee maker to get it done as it used to be done with an old coffee maker my father gave me when I graduated from school.

However, I have brought to mind my childhood days lately, and I mostly remember drinking instant coffee, then I decided to give it a second chance to instant and I'm not actually brewing ground coffee, at least for the past few months.

It's a shame that actually this instant version is more tasty and has more body than the ground coffee that my 3 last coffee makers could do.
I must admit to preferring instant coffee at home. Real ground coffee I find to be a little too strong if I make it right, or too watery if I don't. Maybe I just don't make it right but my friend likes it.:rolleyes:
When I am out I do prefer Nero's decaff coffee, but find Starbucks way too strong and sickly and it brings on a headache.
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