What type of Wine do you LOVE to drink?


22 Jan 2015
Local time
1:27 AM
NW Pennsylvania, Erie Region
There are so many different types of wine. However, most everyone generally has a favorite and why they dislike other types.

I'm no different. I love Red Wines or "Churchy" type wines that give that dry-but-wet flavor that makes you want to drink more. For a cheap red, I would suggest a hearty Riesling. I know some others prefer white wines that are wet or sparkling. Who likes what? Why?

I also love to cook with reds, over whites. I find they offer more body to tomato dishes. Whereas you might pan-sear some meat with whites as a braise... there are plenty of options.

So, discuss!
I can honestly say living in the US I've never tried other wines (outside the US, I notice most of my vineyards I drink from are here) makes me wonder what the other wines are like.
I can honestly say living in the US I've never tried other wines (outside the US, I notice most of my vineyards I drink from are here) makes me wonder what the other wines are like.
For reds then you can get very good Chilean at a reasonable price. Aussie reds are great, New Zealand and South Africa not so good. From Europe, then French obviously - there are so many styles I can't recommend one. Spanish, go for a Reserva Rioja.

Have fun experimenting.
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For me, it's Blue Nun or Lambrini every time!

Only kidding, I like a nice cold Pinot Grigio or a glass of Cabernet Sauvignon. I take absolutely no notice of the red meat/red whin rule and just have a glass of whatever is open with my meal. Waste not, want not!
For me, it's Blue Nun or Lambrini every time!

Only kidding, I like a nice cold Pinot Grigio or a glass of Cabernet Sauvignon. I take absolutely no notice of the red meat/red whin rule and just have a glass of whatever is open with my meal. Waste not, want not!

Baby Cham? :wink:

Off topic, but when I had a job collecting recycling we got to see people's drinking habits. One house on a local estate, they would have 10 or 12 big (1.5 lt) Lambrini bottles every week.! :eek:
My favorite is Merlot as it goes with most of the dinner meals I prepare...well at least it tastes good with them, not sure that I can say it "goes with them." To change it up I will sometimes get a bottle of white zinfandel, this mostly happens in the spring and summer when I do not want a rich thick wine.
I LOVE to drink all types of wine, fizzy, white rosé, red, dessert and fortified, I do not have one particular favourite. It depends on the occasion, where I am, who I am with and what I am eating. Over the years my tastes have changed.
The first 2 wines that got me really hooked were a quality New Zealand sauvignon blanc and a quality Australian shiraz. I am a little bored with them now. Current favourites include riesling from any part of the world (FInger Lakes, NY are good) and quality pinot noir, again from anywhere.
Last night, for example, I had a falanghina from Italy (moderate $), an excellent red from Ventoux, France (expensive) and finished off with a delicious cream sherry to go with sticky toffee pudding (cheap)!!!
Go and experiment!
I concur with Riesling (I live near NY border) and I get decent reds from there. I need to try more Merlot, not enough variety of good ones around here and I think I could dig them. A bit dry, but not bad.
I had a Cafe Melot that was good. My favorite is a good Riesling or a White Zinfandel.
I love Gran Sangre del Toro. It is a red wine from Spain but is available her in our place. It is relatively strong but I like it. I like to have it while eating steak. YUMMY
I'm okay with 'church' wine. I like a good Merlot. However, I prefer white wine if not paired with something. What I drink is really determined by what I am eating most of the time so it's a tough call without a menu.
I enjoy dry wines, I hate it when wine is sweet because I don't like grape juice and sweet wines remind me of it. For me to drink red wine, it needs to be quite dry and strong, it is how I like it. I am not a wine connoisseur, but I seem to have a preference for Cabernet Sauvignon. I also love fresh dry white wines for lunch and for when it's warmer outside!
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