What Will You be Cooking on Good Friday?


11 Apr 2014
Local time
2:51 AM
Some families observe certain traditions during religious holidays such as Good Friday. If your family or household practices this, what do you plan to cook this coming Good Friday then? Can you share with us your menu for this special holiday?
I don't cook anything special on Good Friday, I have no reason to. I'm not a meat eater anyway so I just have what I would normally eat on a weeknight.
My family doesn't make anything special for Good Friday. It's just another day of good ol' regular food for us.
We don't usually cook any big meal on Good Friday, but rather on Easter Sunday instead. I'm not religious myself, personally, but I won't turn down a big meal, lol.

We're already ordered a ham, and picked up several things in advance, such as the garlic bread and dinner rolls that are in the freezer. I probably won't be making too many things myself this year, as it's kind of mayhem in our kitchen with everybody trying to cook everything. I am probably going to make some sort of cheesy rice casserole and that is about it. I usually do the mashed potatoes for each holiday meal, but I felt like doing something different this time around.

I may also attempt some sort of cornbread stuffing too, for a little variety from the usual.
I try not eat any meat or meat products on Good Friday. It is just a thing that I do, and I did this throughout the years traditionally. I`ll probably have some vegetarian dishes for that day, which will also be a good thing, since I tend to eat meat all year long, nearly every day.
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