What would you get if you ordered

Other question what are the occasions for High Tea?
I suspect you mean Afternoon Tea?

High Tea is a proper evening meal with its origins firmly with the working classes - it was usually eaten around 6p m when people got home from hard day's work and could be anything from bread and butter to a fully cooked meal. The reason its called high tea is because its eaten at the high (ie. dining) table. So there is no special occasion calling for it - it was just a normal every-day meal.

On the other hand, Afternoon Tea was invented by the aristocracy to bridge the gap between lunch and dinner (their dinner was usually served quite late). It usually consisted of delicate sandwiches, scones and cakes and was served at low tables mid-afternoon (hence the name Low Tea or Afternoon Tea). Nowadays it tends only to be something you'd do for a special treat or to celebrate in genteel surroundings.
...Another good one would be corn flour or cornflour.
In the US, you would get very finely ground corn, usually treated with lime...
Actually, corn flour is just a more finely ground commercial corn meal - the kind that does not contain the germ. Corn that is treated with lime (nixtamilized) is labeled masa harina.

The Difference Between Corn Meal, Corn Flour....
Unsurprisingly, you get a lot of coffee in Ethiopia, but a macchiato there is rather different from what you would get in Europe (I can't speak for other parts of the world). In Europe, a macchiato is more or less an espresso with a tiny amount of steamed milk. In Ethiopia and Eritrea, it is a much more milky affair.
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