Midlands, England
This evening I spent over an hour and a half putting in all the new plants we bought on Sunday then gave them a thorough soaking.
This bunch cost me around 20 UK pence.
Here in AUS that's around $3 (everything is pretty much AUD $3 unless it's in the hard plastic containers for items such as Dill or tarragon. AUD $3 is equiv to £1.60-£1.75.That would be around 80 UK pence here. Not too bad.
How big are the bags? Coriander in bags or pots from the supermarket isn't very expensive here. But I suppose you might mean gigantic bags.
This evening I mowed the back lawns, not perfect but looking better. I couldn't be bothered to trim the edges or do any weeding, it was too hot besides it wait for another time.
I get a guy in to do my lawns, cuts and removes clippings and does weed trimmer as well for $25. Cheap as chips.
I get a guy in to do my lawns, cuts and removes clippings and does weed trimmer as well for $25. Cheap as chips.
I do too (I have a vey long lawn) and he also does general tidying, weeding - in fact almost anything I ask in terms of gardening. He charges £10 an hour - that is about $20 in NZ money.
taken some cuttings from the camelia