What's your comfort food?


11 Oct 2012
Local time
11:17 PM
Eccles, Salford
I've had a virus for three days, and it's knocked my appetite a bit - not helped by being on my own*, so if I want food, I have to get it for myself.

Thank goodness for food you can just add boiling water to! And toast. I've had a cup a soup, and Smash - the latter had a beaten egg mixed into it, something my Mum used to give us when we were poorly as kids.

If I'd had someone on hand to cook for me, I might have feebly requested minced beef in gravy, with Smash. Please note - Smash. Not proper mash. It's different.

What's your comfort food - self prepared or otherwise?

*NT did offer to come over, and look after me, but he only really got over it himself yesterday, and I wouldn't have been any fun to be with.
a bowl of custard.

but not any old custard... one particular brand that does not contain milk powder which we always have a packet of in the cupboard, now to be made up with soya milk due to allergies..

After that comes a bowl of peas (don't ask!) or a bowl of plain basmati rice with a touch of tamari sauce!

OK - I know I am weird!:D
I have a nasty chest infection at the moment, and I'm right off my food, but I am managing a bowl of home made soup every day, with some crusty bread. That's my favourite comfort food, apart from sausage, beans and mash - with proper mashed potatoes, I can't stand Smash. Sorry, Arch! Hope you're feeling better now. :)
I have a nasty chest infection at the moment, and I'm right off my food, but I am managing a bowl of home made soup every day, with some crusty bread. That's my favourite comfort food, apart from sausage, beans and mash - with proper mashed potatoes, I can't stand Smash. Sorry, Arch! Hope you're feeling better now. :)

I am a lot better thank you, merely snotty and a hacking cough.

Don't worry about the Smash. More for me!

We did a dish when I was a kid called Smash Nest. You made up the Smash, and formed a portion on each plate into a ring, raked with a fork to make the 'nest' and then the middle was filled with a mix of minced beef, onion, carrot (diced, must be diced!) and gravy. For extra luxury, there'd be a spoonful of white sauce on top. God knows what that represented, guano perhaps.

It's just not the same with real mash. I like real mash, but it's not the same in certain dishes!
reading this again, I have decided I must be having a bad day...
already had the bowl of rice & tamari sauce for lunch, and now had the entire packet (so read large bowl) of custard for starters of an evening meal... only need to have a bowl of peas now and I will have eaten all 3 comfort foods in 1 day... got to be telling me something
When the weather is lousy and cold TVC makes a mean beef stew and dumplings :)
twas tofu for tea tonight, with plenty of herbs & spices... inside a herby crusty pastry with potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, peas, celery, and some other bit - think it really needed some beans, but I don't murder a recipe from a book until I have at least followed it once!
Comfort food for me is going to be soup (thick and creamy tinned chicken, tomato, or mushroom) if I have to make it, or chicken congee with a good quality you tiao if someone else is making it, or cake where possible.
Comfort food for me is going to be soup (thick and creamy tinned chicken, tomato, or mushroom) if I have to make it, or chicken congee with a good quality you tiao if someone else is making it, or cake where possible.

Yes, I must say, I've really taken to congee since you introduced me to it, which is odd, as I don't really like rice pudding, and congee isn't such a long way removed from that. I guess it's the savoury flavour as opposed to sweet.
mine would be a good old fashioned roast , whilst other halfs is either mashed potato or chocolate or cake
Toast for me with a big mug of tea. If feel really bad might put some marmite on it, bt always with butter, oooo I love butter.
Toast for me with a big mug of tea. If feel really bad might put some marmite on it, bt always with butter, oooo I love butter.

We are a marmite house, TVC loves it I can't stand the stuff. We are a perfect match :wink:
I'm with Shaun. A nice BIG bar of chocolate now and then make life seem so much more mellow.

On the other hand, if it's real food we are talking about, for me it has to be a simple meat pie, preferably made from the leftover of the Sunday joint, with chips peas and gravy.

Mum's cooking !
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