What's your favorite cheese/dairy product?


19 Sep 2013
Local time
2:59 AM
What's your favorite cheese/dairy product? I love camembert cheese, it's just delicious :)
Red Leicester cheese. I'm eating some right now!

(Baked or deep fried breaded brie with redcurrant jelly comes a close second)
i get cheeses from two farms in the new forest some of the best selection of english cheeses i have had for a while loosehanger and lyburn soft cheeses similar to brie ,hard goats cheese a cheeky chilli and nettle to name a few,
saying that in the fridge in france last month managed to have a selection of 12 cheese ,my sweat smelled of roquefort
It's so hard to choose! Cheese and yogurts are two of my favorite foods. I'm obsessed with Noosa yogurts, especially the mango and passionfruit flavors. As for cheese... a good triple creme brie! Yum!
I almost said eggs, lol, but those aren't technically considered a dairy product I just discovered. I would have to say provolone cheese. I put it on just about everything, even pizza. There's something kind of universal about it to me, whereas other cheeses don't necessarily lend themselves well to a variety of dishes. About the only thing I wouldn't put provolone in is Mexican food.
It'd have to be various cheeses for me. The usual ones in the fridge are Brie, Double Gloucester and a rather good local Cheddar but we try other ones from time to time, the most recent of which was Y Fenni, a Welsh cheese made with mustard seeds and beer. :hungry: Very nice.
There are so many cheeses which I absolutely love! I don't even know half of their names... I usually pick a different one from a huge selection that I have at my local grocery store.
Hands down, cheese. Although I have to search for the vegetarian options in my local grocery store. My favorites would be Parmesan, Haulomi and Blue Vein.
I agree that there are so many cheeses to choose from, and I couldn't pick just one. I love Aged Cheddar, Smoked Gouda, Havarti, Blue Cheese, Gorgonzola, and Brie. There are so many amazing things that you do with each cheese. Aged Cheddar (especially the Cave Aged Cheddar from Kerrygold) is so good with wine! I love a good baked Brie with marmalade and almonds. Smoked Gouda and Havarti are good by themselves, and Gorgonzola is great in a salad with cranberries or baked on some kettle chips.
I have different favorites for different things. For general cooking, such as adding cheese to the top of the dish, I don't think you can beat cheddar cheese. I love goats cheese with tomatoes or with caramelised onions on paninis. For a snack on its own, I love my local cheese- Lancashire crumbly. At Christmas I love to have a wide variety of cheeses available, such as Stilton with apricots, Wensleydale with cranberries and a nice creamy brie.
I love cheese/dairy products like Cottage cheese, Cheddar cheese, Parmesan cheese and Cream cheese. All of these are useful in my cooking and in my preparations in my cooking like dishes with sauces,for my pasta recipes, salads menus and baking needs too.
Cheddar, Parmesan and Cream cheese for me!

Though I'm an "all for one" type of cheese-lover, so I can generally eat any kind of cheese. I actually like to eat a lot of cheese with my pasta and bread, but for some reason, I've never liked Edam cheese.
I just LOVE cheese! I love gouda cheese (not smoked though). I'm really partial to a well made sharp cheddar. I really dislike mild cheddar. I love blue cheese and I love parmesan cheese. I hate cottage cheese, lol. I think it really depends on my mood but if I'm looking for a quick snack, I'm all about sharp cheddar.
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