Where do you get your new cooking ideas from?


Disabled and Retired Veteran
18 Dec 2017
Local time
12:23 AM
Where do you get your creative new cooking ideas from?

1) Cook Books and other paper source recipes.
2) Web sites with recipes.
3) Self imagination regarding your current food stock.
4) Creating a meal to use perishables you have in the food stock, before they go bad.
5) Friends and family.
6) Restaurant offerings.
7) Imagining what you might do with stuff available in local markets.
8) Memories of what you ate as a kid growing up.
9) Other sources of ideas.

Combinations of sources are OK to chat up. Feel free.

I rarely use cook books and other paper sources of recipes. I do check up on web recipes, though. My current food stocks and the need to use perishables, admittedly drives a large part of my creative zeal for creative cooking. However, memories from growing up and restaurant offerings have a big influence. I do find myself influenced by the posts of CB members as well.
Pretty much everywhere, but I tend to look for ingredients I might not be too familiar with, or have never heard of and go from there. I'd hate to turn 80 years old and try something for the first time and realize I love it, and have missed out on it all those years.

With TV and the www and cooking being such an integral part of it all, there's no shortage of inspiration. It's pretty cool these days to have the culinary world at your fingertips. When I was coming up through the ranks, it was all hands on learning, and if someone didn't know it, you didn't learn it. There was no fusion, it was all very straight forward cuisine.
To quote Winnie the Pooh: " Sometimes I sits and thinks, and other times, I just sits". :hyper:
All of your sources, flyinglentris, but sometimes just a new idea that pops into my head because I´m using a particular ingredient or herb or spice and it occurs to me to add something. I was making a Capressa one day and there was a beautiful ripe avocado on the table, so I added some slices and called it a Tropical Capressa. Last week I was working with a friend who made a simple, tropical fruit salad - then splashed some Worcestershire sauce on it. Phenomenal.
We were recently gifted a weeks full of food from fresh choice. It came with step by step instructions, I discovered a handful of new things I make more often now.
caseydog will enjoy this, I am not big on tacos, but the ones I made were amazing, we've had them three times already, I even made my own spice th put on the chicken.
We ended up getting another free weeks as well. Long story.
I previously would have knocked people who get them (food boxes) but I enjoyed it a lot.

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