Where do you get your recipes?


15 Nov 2013
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2:59 AM
I have one cook book that I keep on hand, which has tons of basic stuff in it, divided up and organized fairly neatly so it's easy to find what you're looking for. It also has measurement equivalents and a list of useful substitutes. If I need a new recipe, I just tend to Google what I'm looking for and take what I get from the results.

Where do you get your recipes from? What are some of your favorite books, online sites, and apps?
I get my recipes from a variety of places. If I eat something at a restaurant, I will try to replicate it at home. I also search on the internet for great recipes. I don't have a particular website, I just do a search engine search. I also find great recipes in magazines and cookbooks from my public library.

I hadn't though about recipe apps. I am going to check into it.
I got all my recipes from cooking books, through the cooking shows that I had watched which I innovate their recipes most of the time and through my mother own recipes. My mother is a good cook and every time I watched her while cooking and wrote in my notes most of the procedures and then I always tried it by myself until I got the perfect taste of her original recipes.
I invent most myself, I think that's the best part of cooking! I might look up something from the internet but I almost always change it one way or another.
Most of my recipe come from my favourite cook books, although if I see a TV chef cook something particularly appealing, I'll have a go at it. I also use the BBC's Good Food website for inspiration. I've never had a failure with any of their recipes. And I have a few 'family favourites' that have been handed down. I'm never short of a recipe when I need one.
I get my recipes mainly from family and friends. Normally, if one of them cooks something tasty, I ask how and get face-to-face instructions. This process works best for me.
I usually get traditional Mexican recipes from my family members. I always ask them how they make their rice and desserts. Family is always a valuable resources in the food department. Other than that, I go online to sites like Allrecipes and About.com.
There are a handful of food blogs I frequent, which include: FoodWishes, Steamy Kitchen, Food52, and Noble Pig. I haven't purchased a cook book in over a decade, but I will get a magazine from time to time if there is something that catches my eye. I've kind of shied away from some of the crowd sourced recipe sites, because I've found the quality of the recipes to be poor.
When I was about to get married, my mother gave me a book. She had typed all of her favorite recipes and put them together in a binder for me. Not only did it have her recipes in it, but she had a section of my grandmother's favorite recipes. She had them all labeled. I have used that book countless times! I absolutely love it! Because it is a binder, I am able to add new recipes to it as well!
I must admit, when I get stuck and can't find a good recipe, I tend to go online and google one. I also call my mom or my sister.
I will usually get them from my mom, or one of my grandmas. They are all outstanding cooks and I always watch them cooking when they are making something I love and can't prepare by myself. I ask them for tips and recipes all the time! I also do a lot of online searches and look at cooking books. I love easy recipes on cooking books. I have been preparing a lot of recipes from the Dukan Diet, as that is the diet I`m currently doing!
I have one cook book that I keep on hand, which has tons of basic stuff in it, divided up and organized fairly neatly so it's easy to find what you're looking for. It also has measurement equivalents and a list of useful substitutes. If I need a new recipe, I just tend to Google what I'm looking for and take what I get from the results.

Where do you get your recipes from? What are some of your favorite books, online sites, and apps?

It’s funny you ask where we get our recipes from and I’m sure most have books or tablets, I actually go off of memory from watching my Mother and Grandmother cook for so many years. When I made my first batch of spaghetti, it was perfect because of watching Mom for so many years making it. I guess I should write down my recipes though because I always put my own spin on whatever it is that I’m cooking, and usually it involves pasta. Anyone else cook from memory verses written down recipes?
I only actually have about 5 cookbooks at home. A lot of the recipes I make up as I go along. Some meals I make were taught to me by my mum or grandma and I have the recipes memorized. I watch a lot of cooking programs and competitions on the television so I get a lot of inspiration from there. If I think of a meal my family would all like and I do not have a recipe or know of one then I look it up on the Internet. Magazines are another way I find recipes.
I only actually have about 5 cookbooks at home. A lot of the recipes I make up as I go along. Some meals I make were taught to me by my mum or grandma and I have the recipes memorized. I watch a lot of cooking programs and competitions on the television so I get a lot of inspiration from there. If I think of a meal my family would all like and I do not have a recipe or know of one then I look it up on the Internet. Magazines are another way I find recipes.

I do look up recipes sometimes, only when I'm stumped on what to make with what I have. Since I'm usually low on funds I have to be creative at times and at that point I look up stuff on the internet. I'm glad I'm not the only one that cooks that way though, for me it's like I memorized the routines subconsciously from watching those two so cooking what they cooked came naturally to me. I wouldn't say cooking is my passion, but it is an art form that is so tough to get just right, but when you do, it's awesome.
I have two cookbooks I use alot but other then that, I use online resources plus magazines. If I'm really feeling the urge to just totally mix something up, I will just go to my cabinets and throw something together. Whipping up your own recipes is the fun part of cooking.
I usually just cruise Youtube for some online cooking videos, and I admit that I do this even when I'm not particularly looking for recipes and merely just trying to relax. The only problem is that whenever I do this, I get hungry and crave for the food I see, which then makes me want to go out and buy ingredients. I think this method is best for me as I get really inspired and the ingredients used by the regular people online are usually common ones.
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