Where have all my lids gone?


5 Apr 2015
Local time
7:24 PM
I mean seriously, every time I go to find a lid for one of my plastic containers, it seems like they are missing. It kind of reminds me of the missing sock scenario. It is extremely frustrating, to say the least! lol I usually just give up, and cover with plastic wrap or tin foil, which seems like such a waste! Am I the only one out there that has the case of the missing lids? :wink:
That's one of the mysteries of the universe. Just like socks that disappear while they're inside the washing machine.
I think I know where your lids are. They are in one of my kitchen cupboards. In this cupboard, there are at least 20 lids yet only 6 containers. @welshdragon I would like to know where the odd socks go too!
One job I can't be bothered to do at work for that very reason putting and matching lids to tubs ,I get some one else to do it ,sorry it's my pet hate
It's the bowls that I can't keep up with. I have plenty of tops.
I know, right! It is the case of the missing lids (or in some cases containers) and missing sock mystery. But seriously, there has got to be a better way to stay organized! I straighten out the cupboard and then someone comes in a rush, and its all chaos again. Anyone have tips? I want to be like Lullabelle and have no missing socks or mismatched lids and containers! I do not think my food stays as fresh as it could when I use tin foil.
we have a sock monster, a lid monster and a teaspoon monster!
does no one else have a teaspoon monster?

PS - I have resolved the sock pairing issue with the sock monster by only buying identical socks. Of course each pair has a left and a right sock but that is a different monster problem. :o_o:
If you only buy white socks, then you can just keep puting them togther as pairs until you have no socks left. Then just buy more. Sorted. Or don't buy socks at all. Again sorted. I used to have dessert spoon monster. But I found out what happened to them. My kids kept taking them outside whenever they were making mud pies and used the to mix the mud. Then after they were finished, they just left them outside......
If you only buy white socks, then you can just keep puting them togther as pairs until you have no socks left. Then just buy more. Sorted. Or don't buy socks at all. Again sorted. I used to have dessert spoon monster. But I found out what happened to them. My kids kept taking them outside whenever they were making mud pies and used the to mix the mud. Then after they were finished, they just left them outside......
how do you explain 1 knife and something like 8 teaspoons?

As for the white socks... bad idea. Ex officer springs to mind instantly or golfer. I guess that later is worse :)hyper:) and to be honest, I can not see them staying white very long I this household now my OH is doing the washing! I go with green woollen socks... and when it gets too warm for those, I have a few pink bamboo ankle socks... :eek: the sock monster has not found them yet for some reason.

the teaspoon crisis has been averted by ensuring the cutlery we have can be purchased individually and I have now done the same with our pottery. 80p a bowl from Ikea. Seemed a much better idea than the old stuff (pre cycling around the world when we had ££ to spare and didn't know how lucky we were) which was +£10 a bowl! :eek:
I have a mixing spoon that I like to stir my cake mixes with. My daughter takes dishes and spoons out of the house and we never see them again which drives me crazy, at one time I had one spoon in the kitchen, they were all in her car. My favorite spoon goes to my room when I finnish cooking with it so that I can have it when I need it.
I know, right! It is the case of the missing lids (or in some cases containers) and missing sock mystery. But seriously, there has got to be a better way to stay organized! I straighten out the cupboard and then someone comes in a rush, and its all chaos again. Anyone have tips? I want to be like Lullabelle and have no missing socks or mismatched lids and containers! I do not think my food stays as fresh as it could when I use tin foil.

My husband is a project manager and I work in accounts, we are 2 very tidy and organised people plus we don't have any kids (unfortunately the smilies don't work on this company computer but I would like to add a smilie)
My husband is a project manager and I work in accounts, we are 2 very tidy and organised people plus we don't have any kids (unfortunately the smilies don't work on this company computer but I would like to add a smilie)
just use the code instead
https://www.cookingbites.com/help/smilies type in the text...
gives :laugh: once you hit the reply button
I bought a lid organizer last year for my S.O.'s kitchen. That way I could stack the containers and fit more in the cabinet and have the lids handy. At home I have a very nice set of containers with locking lids. It's fairly easy to keep up with them as long as you wash them right away and put the lids back. It's when your lids and containers are interchangeable that the problems begin.
I mean seriously, every time I go to find a lid for one of my plastic containers, it seems like they are missing. It kind of reminds me of the missing sock scenario. It is extremely frustrating, to say the least! lol I usually just give up, and cover with plastic wrap or tin foil, which seems like such a waste! Am I the only one out there that has the case of the missing lids? :wink:

That same problem as annoyed and aggravated me a lot also! This is exasperating!! :mad: :stop:
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