Which food would you eat everyday if you had to?

Hungry Man

Senior Member
7 Jul 2020
Local time
9:00 AM
Let's say you have to choose one food / meal and you have to cook & eat that each day. What would be your choice? (Don't think about the health effects.)
I would probably go for burgers.
Seafood, particularly grouper, shrimp, crab, or mussels. If I had to pick one seafood it would probably be grouper. There are a lot of different ways to prepare it so I wouldn't get bored.
Pizza. No doubt. Assuming I'm allowed to have different kinds of of pizza, but even if I couldn't...pizza.

My current record for eating pizza is 11 days straight, I think, and the only reason I stopped was MrsTasty came back home.
Food? That would be seafood. Oysters in particular. I could easily it raw oysters for breakfast, lunch and dinner. In fact, I did once!

Meal? That would have to be curry which again is very versatile, can be made from vegetables, fish, seafood, pulses etc. and can range from aromatic with no chilli to wonderfully hot.
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