Which ONE meal do you like to prepare; breakfast, lunch or dinner?

21 Oct 2014
Local time
1:40 PM
Since I consider myself to be an all round decent good cook, I pretty much love to prepare any meal most times. Because I retire very late at night I find I sometimes struggle to get up and consequently don't always jump at the idea of preparing breakfast.

Lunch can also be tricky since I work long hours most days and don't always get to prepare a lunch time meal. When I do it's pretty rushed as I often have to return to work.

That said, dinner has to be the ONE meal I rather like to prepare and watch everyone enjoy. It's the treat of the day after a sometimes long and stressful day.
I prefer preparing meals early in the day than to prepare anything in the late evening or at night. Breakfast is my favourite meal to prepare. For one thing, it is an easy meal to prepare - boiling porridge, frying or scrambling eggs along with either bacon or ham, and boiling water for a hot beverage. This is basic but can vary as pancakes can take the place of eggs. Lunch is not a problem for me to prepare either, but is a little more involved than breakfast. This is my biggest and main meal of the day. I was never in favour of cooking late in the evening or at night, and would usually just have a light snack at this time.
Hm. Lunch is by far my least favorite - whether it is packed lunches or lunch on the spot.

I like preparing GOOD dinners, and like you, I like enjoying them with my big family. But I also love preparing (and eating!) breakfast too. During the week I'll often make big batches of muffins or pancakes to heat up and enjoy as a quick meal. On weekends, we always do a big Saturday breakfast with eggs and grits and other stuff. And when I can't think of a good dinner idea (or didn't defrost something in advance) I often do breakfast for dinner.

So can I choose both? Breakfast and dinner?
Breakfast is my favorite meal to prepare and it allows me to think what I will plan tot eat for the rest of the day.

I always like to balance my protein as much as possible, so if I don't have eggs for breakfast then I know I could have them for dinner. If it's a big breakfast borderline brunch then I don't have to bother with lunch, so it is the most important meal for me, so I know when I will need to eat again.
I prefer cooking dinner. I guess it's because when I don't have work, I wake up very late. So, I don't have time to prepare breakfast. :)
Today is the first time in a long time I am not in the kitchen as we speak. I am starving so I guess I will have to head to the kitchen shortly. Sunday is the day I usually pull out all the stops and prepared something lavish. I might have mentioned before that here in Barbados it's a big day for cooking. Rice and stew, baked chicken, cole slaw, potato salad, toss salad and the like are staples in the household of many.

Normally I would have been up early cooking to have lunch ready for 1/2pm latest. So I guess I could say lunch is my favorite meal to make only on SUNDAYS. I should get going.
My favorite meal is breakfast but I hate cooking it! Luckily, on days where I actually have time to eat a proper breakfast my boyfriend is here and he handles the cooking! Breakfast time for me means drinking lots of coffee and relaxing lol. I like cooking dinner best because in my life it's usually the least rushed meal and time so it never feels stressful or anything.
I like to make dinner because evening is when I have the most time to cook. But I like breakfast food, so sometimes I make pancakes or waffles and bacon for dinner.
Breakfast is my favorite meal to cook. First of all I like surprising my family with a nicely prepared and nicely set table the first thing when they awake up as I think it brightens up anyone's day to see something like this first thing in the morning. Also it's just way calmer to cook in the mornings and not to mention you are pretty much allowed to eat as much as you want during breakfast.
Dinner. My eating habits are pretty terrible. Although what I eat is freshly prepared, well-balanced and usually healthy (with the occasional treat), I never eat breakfast and only occasionally eat lunch. Dinner is a meal that we eat together as a family and I always make a proper cooked meal.
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