Who do you do the most cooking for?


11 Feb 2015
Local time
10:59 PM
United States
For me it would have to be my guy. It's like he purposely destroys meals to elevate me & save himself from making/cooking another meal.

'Aww, but you're cooking is WAY better. I am NOTHING compared to you. You always know exactly what to do. Can you make me a sandwich?'


Sometimes I love it & hate it simultaneously. He's worse than our kids, that one. Who do you cook for?
I usually cook for my partner as well as the children! I know exactly what you mean, it's almost as they don't want to cook or something along those lines.
Although I have to admit that sometimes my partner does get in the kitchen and put something together, which doesn't turn out half bad!

I suppose because I love experimenting in the kitchen, I don't mind doing the cooking. As long as someone else does the clearing up.
I mainly cook for myself. I currently live by myself so I'm always cooking for one. I do sometimes cook for my boyfriend when he gets home for the weekends, but as it's the weekends and we are both tired from working all week we usually go out to eat. But every now and then I treat him with some cooking at home!
Right now, NT is cooking noodles for our lunch. That's his routine. I tend to cook our evening meal, although if it's a Tuesday, the day i give my Mum a call, he may end up checking on whatever I've put in the oven.

We have some rituals though - he tends to do the spuds for mash, and weigh out and drain the pasta, or put the rice on to cook, while I tend to whatever meat or sauce we're having.

Whatever, he washes up. out of choice. (I hope, I think he'd say if not He usually eats a little faster thanme, and has his plate and the pots washed up before I'm done!)
Mainly for myself, but on occasion, I cook for something for family gatherings and for small parties or get-togethers. :wink:
I do all the cooking in the house for my roommate and I . He isn't very handy in the kitchen, so somehow I was elected to take care of the cooking. Come to think of it , I've been elected to do most chores in the house !!
The family ... when I get the chance; my wife likes to keep me out of the kitchen and doesn't always appreciate my interference help. :laugh:
Mainly for myself. Sometimes I do invite some friends over and then I get to cook for more people but unfortunately most of the time it's just simple and fast food for myself.
My two grandson's. The oldest will fix something for his self but his brother will wait for someone to feed him.
I cook for my family everyday. I have followed in the footsteps of my mother. She used to cook for us everyday. We did go out to eat sometimes. Home cooking is so much better and keeps the kids healthy and trim.
I cook for my family everyday. I have followed in the footsteps of my mother. She used to cook for us everyday. We did go out to eat sometimes. Home cooking is so much better and keeps the kids healthy and trim.

It's nice to sit down as a family and have a chat and share your day too, don't you find?
As I cook as a job there are plenty eating my food ,but I cook scratch foods for my family and friends,lunches go on all afternoon ,also I do auction my time for charities and then go to private residences and prepare and present meals
I mostly cook food for me and my mother. We always bond every morning over coffee, it's just a way for us to keep up with each other, and then I'll cook breakfast for the both us. I really love these little moments we share. :)
I have an aunt who do most of the cooking in our house from breakfast to dinner. However since I am working and come home late in the evening, I usually do the cooking for my dinner. Sometimes due to tight schedule I usually prepared ready to eat foods but If I have time I prepared very special menu such as pasta, seafood and meatballs.
For me it would have to be my guy. It's like he purposely destroys meals to elevate me & save himself from making/cooking another meal.

'Aww, but you're cooking is WAY better. I am NOTHING compared to you. You always know exactly what to do. Can you make me a sandwich?'


Sometimes I love it & hate it simultaneously. He's worse than our kids, that one. Who do you cook for?

Mine is exactly the same! Plus, he gets this really pathetic look on his face when he's asking! I usually don't mind but on occasion, it makes me want to scream! He lived with his mother before he lived with me and I think that's the problem.
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