Who took THIS to school as a child?


(Formerly Shermie)
21 Aug 2014
Local time
4:56 PM
Brighton, MA.
Peanut butter and jelly..png

I did, and I STILL eat it today?!! One of the things that I never outgrew!! :wink:
I did not, but we did not buy jelly. I had a lot of peanut butter and honey sandwiches though.
Instead of jelly, I had peanut butter and banana sandwich as a child and I still love it until now. There's almost not a day when we don't have bananas at home and whenever I need a quick fix for hunger I opt for this. It's healthy and delicious!
We had peanut butter and crisps (UK crisps) or peanut butter and banana sandwiches never peanut butter and jam which I did try quite recently in an emergency... Would prefer not to again but it wasn't that bad.

I thought I might be the only person on here to have ever eaten a peanut butter and banana sandwich! I have tried peanut butter and jelly but wasn't that keen. I can remember once in my teens opening a jar of crunchy peanut butter and just sitting on the settee and eating it with a spoon. Disgusting, I know. It is a wonder I wasn't sick by the time I reached the end of the jar.
When I came to Taiwan and showed my friends that I was eating PB and J for lunch, they found it to be quite odd. I told them they were missing out. Has anyone tried peanut butter and sriacha? It's actually quite delicious.
I don't think I ever took this to school very much as a child. I mean, I took it sometimes but not all the time. Mostly, when it was available to me, I opted for an apple and a banana&peanut butter sandwich instead. I've never had an overly large sweet tooth and the Smucker brand jelly my mom liked to get everyone was too sweet for me to really enjoy it much.
Yes! Peanut butter & jelly sandwiches are a classic. It's one of my favorites! My favorite jelly to use is either grape or strawberry. I prefer more peanut butter than jelly on my sandwich. Add in a cold glass of milk - yum!

Another alternative we do is peanut butter and banana sandwiches. Those are great too. My husband and kids like the fluffernutters. They're ok, but I prefer good ol' pb&j. :)
I haven't had a PB&J sandwich in a long time but i have to admit, I'd probably still like it! I didn't take it to school though, I usually make one as soon as I got home from school, somewhere between homework and cartoons.
I absolutely love them both but they cannot be together. Bread with peanut butter and Jelly with same, i have not acquired the taste for them mixed together.
Oh I did! It is quite a treat. But our peanut butter is already sweet so I don't use jelly anymore. However, when I used peanut butter from the US for instance, I use either jelly or honey with it.

I love peanut butter, not just for bread. I use it for biscuits because we have this bland biscuit back home and it tastes really well with peanut butter. And in our country we have several dishes that make use of peanut butter as a sauce. And they're quite tasty for me. But my husband and kids don't like the idea of it in our dishes so I don't cook it anymore.
I remember this one. A favorite past time. From time to time we still buy it, but mainly my kids like it, but now we look for a healthier version without peanuts. (Or homemade)
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