Winter Comfort Food


1 Feb 2015
Local time
2:28 AM
The weather outside is frightful .... so what do you cook that's delightful? What is your "go-to" comfort food recipe for a day like today, where it's bitter cold and snowing?

While I do enjoy things like soup and chili, I actually prefer baking on a cold day like today. And I hate to admit it, good old Nestle's Toll House cookies are a favorite - of course, I add a bit more than just chocolate chips to mine - I love coconut, butterscotch chips and dried cranberries.
Here in the country where I am staying it is really freezing sometimes up to this month and to relieve my coldness my winter comfort food is I always cooked hot chicken soups and drink hot beverages like hot coffee or hot chocolate and I am already relieved by these comfort foods.
Stews & soups. The broth warms you inside out. If I slept in an igloo it would be next to my crock pot & a ladle to pour the delicious into my soul. I like a hearty beef stew & fresh bread or lentil soup. Ooo, special occasions I make a Rueben soup. Which is basically the sandwich in soup form.
On these cold days I like chilli and cornbread or chicken soup with lots of vegetables. Hot food to keep the body heated. Some people eat more spicy food to help their bodies generate heat.
I really enjoy a nice hot bowl of potato soup on a cold winter day. It is thick and rich, and full of goodness. Warm cookies fresh out of the oven are also a special treat when it is cold outside. My mom would always have homemade hot chocolate and cookies ready for us kids when us kids used to come inside from playing out in the snow all afternoon. Fun memories.
My winter comfort food is chocolate. Anything chocolate. Chocolate, icecream, fudge cake, chocolate bar, hot cocoa and even chocolate biscuits. I have to go to the gym more often but it's worth the chocolate :)
Soups and slow roasts such as 24 hour cooked leg of pork,as we have a aga and winter its on most of the time,hopefully in the uk the winter hard ship is slowing up now
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