Would you want to own a Restaurant?

21 Oct 2014
Local time
6:17 PM
Just that. Would you want to own a Restaurant and if so what kind would it be? In the past, I sometimes entertained the idea of starting my own but from what I hear it's no easy task. Still, if I did own one, I'd want it to cater more to tourist where I'd offer a lot of our traditional local dishes with an international flare.

What about you? Have you entertained the idea of owning your own Restaurant or Food Business?
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I would love to have my own restaurant, but I would not want to work the 18 hour days most people have to work when they start their own restaurant. It would be a ton of work, and there are always safety concerns.

If I had my own restaurant I would want to make it like an American Steakhouse with a twist. It would have Steakhouse favorites, but I would add other unusual dishes too.
I have never had an interest in owning my own restaurant because I really don't enjoy cooking that much. I enjoy cooking for my family but I couldn't cook for others. It would be too stressful for me. I would always worry that they wouldn't like it, etc.
My boyfriends has often said that he would love to open his own restaurant. He has a passion for cooking and he loves cooking for people. He said he would like to have a restaurant that offers family home cooking. He is great a preparing family meals. He can cook a turkey dinner and all the fixings that's to die for. I think he would do very well if he opened a restaurant but I think it is only a dream. I don't see it happening.
My parents owned a small, seasonal diner outside of a state park when I was growing up. We learned a lot and made some lifelong friends who started as customers, but it was very time consuming. If I didn't have to worry about income, I wouldn't mind doing it again.
I know enough to realise it would be disastrous. If I had all the money in the world and could employ people to run it then, yes. Health and safety alone is probably a full-time job! As for what type of restaurant, I've sometimes fantasised about a high-end breakfast menu, harking back to the days of kedgeree, devilled kidneys, etc. On the other hand, seafood is a passion of mine .... as is curry! @Berties will be able to tell us what its really like...
its not like cooking at home,its hard work ,discipline,hot and stressful ,family life becomes disjointed,every customer is a expert,and are quite happy to tell you and others of their massaged knowledge or lack of it,other than that its a good life
its not like cooking at home,its hard work ,discipline,hot and stressful ,family life becomes disjointed,every customer is a expert,and are quite happy to tell you and others of their massaged knowledge or lack of it,other than that its a good life

And the management skills and budgeting skills alone must be huge. I've never quite understood how restaurants deal with juggling H&S regarding keeping and re-heating etc. with wastage. And blimey, how on earth do you know how much stuff to order? What if you put fresh fish on the menu and no-one orders it! I can't imagine the complexity of juggling all these factors...
No way. Too much hassle. Too much stress. Long hours. No holidays. Little reward. Too many rules and regulations. No thanks.
And the management skills and budgeting skills alone must be huge. I've never quite understood how restaurants deal with juggling H&S regarding keeping and re-heating etc. with wastage. And blimey, how on earth do you know how much stuff to order? What if you put fresh fish on the menu and no-one orders it! I can't imagine the complexity of juggling all these factors...
Health and safety ,fire safety ,hazard awareness,coshh,
Accountant,social worker,negotiator,
Foods are bought daily,And I can balance to turn food in 2 days ,
Health and safety ,fire safety ,hazard awareness,coshh,
Accountant,social worker,negotiator,
Foods are bought daily,And I can balance to turn food in 2 days ,
Reminds me of my last job. Except for the last bit. At least I didn't have to plan menus as well as managing budgets, people and Health and Safety stuff!
My dream is not a restaurant but a small eatery that is easy to manage. It would be more of a diversion or hobby and not really business. When we vacationed in the province, there was this cafe right in the front yard of a house. The owner was serving coffee and cocoa plus pastries that she herself cooked. She said that she is enjoying her business although the profit is not that good. What's important is the occupation that is enjoyed.
It has been my dream to open my own restaurant. It does not have to be big as a matter of fact I prefer a small and quaint restaurant so that I can entertain all my guests and customers. I want to give them that undivided attention and special treatment. I am thinking of a Japanese and Chinese cuisine and maybe include other Asian dishes
It is nice to have people tell you how much they enjoy your food but owning a restaurant is very hard work, long hours and not always stable income. I have worked in the business and know how hard it is to keep a good restaurant staffed with good people and to keep the customers happy so that they keep coming to your business. My husband was the manager for a restaurant, he worked long hours, he was tired all the time and we had no family life. No I have no desire to own a restaurant.
It is nice to have people tell you how much they enjoy your food but owning a restaurant is very hard work, long hours and not always stable income. I have worked in the business and know how hard it is to keep a good restaurant staffed with good people and to keep the customers happy so that they keep coming to your business. My husband was the manager for a restaurant, he worked long hours, he was tired all the time and we had no family life. No I have no desire to own a restaurant.
It's people and staff that make a restaurant , it's a love a passion a way of life , I've been around the industry for over 30 years , there must of been a easiest way , It's harder to find good staff now , they are clock watching , customer service is the key
I like the idea of it as I have worked in catering in the past. However, it is a really hard work job and not for anyone looking to make easy money without putting in work. The days are horrendously long with hours both before and after opening times. A lot of time is spent on your feet and the breaks are sporadic or even non-existant. As the woner, you would have to take responsibility for staffing, accounts, general running of the business and ordering in addition to time actually in the restaurant. It is a lot harder than people think. As I have four young children, it is not something I would want to do at this particular stage in my life, but something I would love to do when they are older.
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