Would you work for Gorden Ramsey?


24 Sep 2013
Local time
3:05 PM
If you had the chance to work for Gorden Ramsey would you? Could you put up with the swearing and in your face talking? and to top it off a very hot kitchen? Sorry I could not do it l cannot take that kind of pressure could you?
I love Gordon Ramsay, but I could not work for him. I absolutely could not take the pressure. Although, Ramsay on MasterChef is much more toned down than he is on Hell's Kitchen. But I just don't have the cooking skills to impress him, so it would be a nightmare. But I do enjoy watching other people get subjected to those pressures.
Nope, my idea of hell, and I don't like watching it happen to other people either.

As I've got older, I find I actively avoid more responsibility and stress at work, even if it means cutting out some wages. I'd rather just be happy.
Honestly? Never, not even if I was paid to. I have no doubt that he is an amazing chef but his personality drives me up the wall. I get nervous every time he shouts for no reason. I have never seen that man smile before and it seems to me that he has so much anger in him and he takes it out on the other people. The name of the show "Hell's Kitchen" was chosen wisely and is spot on! :thumbsup:
There is no way that i would work for him. He is too pompous and arrogant. If he were a little more civil and mild mannered then I would consider it. I can't stand people with short fuses. He is slightly insane. Or maybe it is all just an act for the television cameras.
There is no way I would take what he dishes out, no pun intended. I could never work for someone who gets as upset as he does and treats his cooks in the manner he treats them. I know everyone messes up and needs to be informed of the mistakes made, but there is an easier and much more tactful way to do it.
I like Gordon Ramsey when he is being to the points and brusque with others but I am not certain that I would like to take any of those non-pleasantries. In fact, I feel that Gordon would be having a high blood pressure for the kind of stress he takes. Also, I must admit I loved him in Master Chef USA. He was his usual self but a lot more docile.
I like Gordon Ramsey, but I couldn't work for him. I wouldn't be able to handle all the yelling without yelling back. I also couldn't handle the pressure and hot kitchen.
Definitely not! I get very defensive and would probably yell right back at him lol.
I know I would yell back at him. I get enough criticism about my cooking from my sister. I don't think I could handle criticism from him.
As entertaining as he is on TV, I couldn't handle the pressure he would put on me if I worked for him. He sounds like a terrible boss, he's got no empathy, no assertiveness. He would just yell at me and expect me not to mess up, but with all the yelling I would just mess up even more. Maybe that's just his TV personality and he's actually a nice guy in real life, who knows... For now, I would definitely not work for him.
Nope, I definitely could not work for Mr Ramsey! I'm not that good of a cook so I think I would definitely end up in the bathroom in floods of tears. I think he would be a horrible boss, from how he looks on TV anyway. I think he looks like a complete control freak and hot head. But then again, that could just be a persona he puts on when he has to appear on TV shows. He may have started acting that way on TV to get more viewings as his working attitude certainly is controversial. He can't have always been this way though. His father-in-law was the one who got him on the TV apparently. And now according to some news stories he has been cheating on his wife so his relationship with his father-in-law must be terrible now.
No way, although Gordon seems to be a talented Chef and I'm sure I could learn a lot from him, I would never work under someone who yelled at me or called me names. It's plain unprofessional, even if most people expect head chefs to have tempers.
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