Your favorite Quick & Easy meal after a long day of work?


22 Apr 2014
Local time
8:43 AM
South Africa
We like making our version of nachos which is easy and quick to make. We basically arrange dorito chips, tomato pizza sauce and cottage cheese on a plate, top it with grated cheddar and bake in the oven. Best served with some guacamole. The perfect indulgence when tired and looking for comfort food.
I'd say nachos and cheese with hamburger is our quick and easy meal. Sometimes I'll mix salsa in with the hamburger and cheese to spruce it up a bit.
If I would prefer a dish that is easy and quick, it will be chicken adobo for me. I find it easy to cook and just minutes to be ready especially on high/strong fire. Aside from frying, the adobo dish is very easy to prepare after doing any hard work.
I had to do a double take when I read that - really? Doritos with pizza sauce and cottage cheese?? lol. I may have to give that a try now that my curiosity is piqued. Although I don't know if I could handle the guacamole with the pizza sauce.

A little bit of interesting trivia, the cheese flavor of Doritos is actually just parmesan and garlic. The "orange" color is added just for visual appeal, though most people think it means the cheese is cheddar when it isn't.

If I am in a hurry, I will grab a small piece of ribeye, and quickly sear it then throw together some fajitas. I'm usually pretty simply with mine - steak (with mexican seasonings), cheese and iceberg lettuce. Maybe some salsa if I have it, but not often, because it's messier to eat. If I am in the mood for something a little healthier and meat free, I will just smear some guacamole on flour tortillas and top with a little cheese and lettuce, maybe some olives, and have some quick guacamole burritos - no cooking, and they are still very filling.
I don't make this all of the time because I'm not a frequent meat eater, but it's super easy. I boil some shell pasta while I'm browning ground beef (or ground turkey). Once I drain the grease, I add taco seasoning, tomato sauce, and a bit of salsa. I add the pasta last and stir it in. For a final touch, I sprinkle shredded cheese over it and let that melt. Takes no more than 10 minutes and because I live alone, I have leftovers.
Quesadillas. The reason being is that it doesn't matter if I have corn or flour tortillas (sometimes I go with whole wheat or spinach), cheddar or jack cheese, meat or veggies. All I need is one stovetop, one pan and a little oil.
How much do I love quesadillas? If I don't have a clean spatula, I will flip them by hand.
Whenever we're out later than normal we plan on making a simple pasta dish. You can't get much simpler then cooking some onion, adding tomato sauce and spices. Or, if we're not in the mood for pasta, we whip up some carne asada tacos.
I make a sandwich for my quick meal. I stuff it with tuna, lettuce and a lot of tomatoes. I put ketchup, tabasco and mustard into it. To make it really quick, I prepare the ingredients during weekends so they are always ready.
My 'quick & easy' meal is a plain omelette. It takes about 5 mins to make and with the correct amount of oil, salt & pepper in it is stunning.

I would love to be able to have an omelette for dinner! That's an absolute no-no in my house. Eggs are for breakfast and cannot be eaten for dinner. It defeats the purpose of a quick easy meal if I'm cooking two different ones.
I would love to be able to have an omelette for dinner! That's an absolute no-no in my house. Eggs are for breakfast and cannot be eaten for dinner. It defeats the purpose of a quick easy meal if I'm cooking two different ones.
We have no set rule as to what is eaten when. If we are really hungry at lunch time it is not uncommon for us to have a larger meal then and something really light for evening meal. On Friday, having had to eat out for both breakfast and lunch (we were away from home), and given that neither of us was hungry, we simply had a bowl of cereal for our evening meal. We still had a balance diet that day (and a very healthy one - the café used for both breakfast and lunch was a vegetarian/vegan café) we just ate our meals in a different order to convention!
A big salad on top of some chicken fried rice or pasta. Its quick and I put it all in the same bowl to eat it. My special comfort food bowl!
Whenever i have little time on my hands or just in the mood to prepare a quick meal i usually opt for making a pot of vegetable soup or i'll do some steam fish with a few okras and crackers added to it; which is very tasty and filling and is enjoyed by the whole family.
I love to make simple clubhouse sandwich. I really love adding lots of tomatoes and lettuce. Sometimes Imade chunky chicken sandwich of course with lots of lettuce.
omelette here as well always have eggs and then can be filled with any thing in the fridge!or if not scrambled eggs are a joy to behold with plenty of white pepper
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