Your favourite tins/cans

Morning Glory

Obsessive cook
Staff member
Recipe Challenge Judge
19 Apr 2015
Local time
2:25 AM
Maidstone, Kent, UK
I think we all have some tinned/canned goods in our cupboards. My most often used are tins of beans (various types) and tins of tomatoes. I also covet special tins such as 'Hearts of Palm'. Oh! I don't know why...


Which canned/tinned goods do you use regularly? Do you have special cans/tins, like me?
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Hmm lets see. For us, the staple ones we always seem to have are tomatoes (usually plain diced ones, and then occasionally a mix with herbs and things like that), black beans, and olives. Sometimes we'll also have canned soup mixes, but the other three we basically always have in our pantry at all times!
I always used pineapple tidbits in can in sweet syrup in my cooking because I love using pineapple in some of my recipes. Next is Tuna in cans in vegetable oil because I always eat tuna either by just sauteing it in garlic with a dash of salt and pepper or for making my tuna pancakes. Lastly is the sweet kernel corn in cans which I always used for my fried rice and for my side dish of kernel corn and chopped carrots sauteed in butter.
We do not keep a lot of canned stuff around these days. However, the ones I would buy on occasion would be a tin of mixed vegetables containing carrots, beans and corn, a tin of sweet corn, a tin of tuna, and sardines. I am also fond of red kidney beans. Pineapple rings are another favourite of mine, but I have not bought them in a long time. These posts always tend to remind me of things I have not eaten in a while. I may very well go out and buy some of these pineapple rings again some time soon. They make a good dessert and also go well with ice cream.
Tomato soup. We don't eat beans anymore as they have to much salt in them for Mr WD.
I only use canned food as ingredients or if I'm running short of fresh items. I do regularly buy cans of tomatoes for use in pasta recipes, but at present I only have one can of soup and two types of tinned beans in my kitchen cupboard. When I occasionally buy baked beans I always choose the reduced salt and sugar variety.

Another item I sometimes buy in tins is sardines. I don't buy fresh fish so these are a good source of omega 3 and fish proteins.
I usually have canned beans, pineapples and tomatoes on hand at all times. I do have a few cans of evaporated milk also.
Oh yes and my spouse likes tuna so we always keep that on hand for his lunches at work.
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