
  1. E

    A couple of ways to eat a Banana

    Don't know how many people are aware of this, but I just was introduced to it by a friend not too long ago, and thought I would share it on this forum. So bananas are an awesome fruit as we all know. But, did you know that there are a couple of ways to eat it? The first way is the traditional...
  2. O

    Is banana a good fruit for losing weight?

    People have recommended that instead of being on diet it is better to have fruits and salads with Banana being the best fruit to have to lose weight. Is that true?
  3. smlewis00

    Benefits of Bananas

    Banana's are very delicious, healthy and beneficial! Here are some of the health benefits of bananas: *Lowers blood pressure *They are an anti-inflammatory *Fights depression and anxiety *Reduces risk of stroke *Helps maintain regular heartbeat *Helps ease constipation *Reduced symptoms of...
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