
  1. Morning Glory

    Your best stuffing mix

    Stuffing is traditional in a Christmas turkey but it can be useful all year round. Stuffing balls can be served separately from the meat or poultry and made vegan or vegetarian - which is what I will be doing. I'm still working on some ideas and would love to know your favourite stuffing recipes.
  2. flyinglentris

    Favorite Spices

    I did a search and nobody seems to have run this topic as a thread. We all likely have favorite spices, especially bearing on the fact that they can be expensive. I tend to like the capsaicin or peppers: Cayenne, paprika, chili powder, crushed red pepper, black pepper, white pepper, Whole...
  3. Morning Glory

    The CookingBites Spice Challenge: Spice of the Month (May 2017) - Turmeric

    Each month we'll be showcasing a different spice. I'll be writing up some information about the spice and then its over to you to come up with your tips, tricks or recipes using the spice. There is a prize for the most interesting idea or recipe (to be posted anywhere in the world, customs...
  4. Elawin

    Recipe Baharat (Arabian spice mix)

    Baharat is used in a lot of Middle Eastern soups and stews, and also as a rub for meat, chicken, and fish. There are a lot of variations depending on which brand you buy or which recipe you use, but this is my favourite. Ingredients 1 tbsp black peppercorns 1 tbsp cumin seeds 2 tsps coriander...
  5. Morning Glory

    The CookingBites Spice Challenge: Spice of the Month (April 2017) - Coriander Seeds

    Each month we'll be showcasing a different spice. I'll be writing up some information about the spice and then its over to you to come up with your tips, tricks or recipes using the spice. There is a prize for the most interesting idea or recipe (to be posted anywhere in the world, customs...
  6. Morning Glory

    Recipe Cucumber Raita

    Raita is Tzatzika's Indian cousin. Its fantastically cooling with a hot spicy curry but great anytime as a dip. This is the way I make it. Ingredients 1/2 cucumber 150g Greek style yoghurt 1 tsp ground cumin 1 tsp ground coriander Salt, to taste Ground turmeric, paprika and a few whole cumin...
  7. SatNavSaysStraightOn

    Recipe Baghdad eggs with rice

    Looking for something else to do with eggs for lunch other than the usual soft boiled sliced on a wrap with mashed avocado and humus (given I am lacking the last 3 of those ingredients because my OH is not going to be home in time for lunch and it's a Saturday and we have nothing in...) I went...
  8. Yorky

    The Kalonji/Nigella Experiment

    Today I prepared "dry potato and cauliflower bhaji" in order to investigate the reason for the strange phenomenon of the green coloured kalonji (or nigella) seeds. Unfortunately the experiment did not produce successfull useable results. Instead of the stainless steel dog bowl in the initial...
  9. SatNavSaysStraightOn

    Recipe Egg-in-a-hole

    I was searching for a title and after coming across bread being used instead of pastry for mini breakfast muffins, I decided to use an old favourite, toad-in-a-hole. Well there is neither a toad or a hole in toad-in-a-hole but at least with mine there is both and egg and a hole... I was trying...
  10. Rosyrain

    How long do they store well

    We have some herbs and spices that have been sitting in the cupboard for a couple of years now and I am wondering how long they last. Do dry herbs and spices ever go bad if they are stored properly?
  11. Morning Glory

    How many herbs and spices in your store cupboard?

    Today I was checking my supplies of dried herbs and spices as some seemed to be getting low. I usually buy most of them from Asian shops as they are so much cheaper than elsewhere. But anyway, I thought I'd count how many I have. TOTAL: 53. I suppose that's quite a lot by most people's...
  12. phoenix2015


    I've recently discovered the wonderful taste and amazing health benefits of turmeric. I have used in soups, mashed potatoes and cabbage dishes so far. Reading about the health benefits of turmeric is what encouraged me to give it a try. I read that you have to eat it with an oil, an acid (such...
  13. SatNavSaysStraightOn

    Do you know the difference between a Herb and a Spice?

    Do you know the difference between a Herb and a Spice? I ask because I see so many people mixing the two up and genuinely not knowing the difference. It is quite easy to know the difference. A Herb is basically the green leaf and sometimes green stalk of a herbaceous (non-woody) plant. A...
  14. Vickeree

    Spices for cooking vegetables

    What spices do you use that works best and which ones go together on your veggies? I usually steam my vegetables and most of the time they taste bland...
  15. Rosyrain

    Eyeball it or exact measurements?

    When you use herbs and spices in your cooking do you pull out measuring spoons and measure exactly what the recipe calls for, or do you eyeball the measurements? I typically eyeball the measurements and use the quantity that feels right unless I am working with a brand new recipe.
  16. Rosyrain

    A herb or spice you can't stand

    Out of all of the herbs and spices there are in this world, I can honestly say that I hate cumin! The taste does not agree with me and it literally makes me sick to my stomach when I taste it in my food. I am not sure why this is, and I really can't describe what it is about the spice I don't...
  17. SatNavSaysStraightOn

    Recipe Homemade Garam Masala

    Homemade Garam Masala Ingredients 3 tbsp cumin seeds 2 tbsp coriander seeds 1 tbsp black peppercorns 4 cinnamon sticks 8 green cardamon pods 4 black cardamon pods 12 cloves 5 bay leaves 4 star anise 4 blades of mace ½ of a nutmeg Method Dry roast all the spices in a pan on a very low heat...
  18. whitakermk

    What are your top 10 Spices?

    We all have our favorites. There are certain spices that you can't live without in your kitchen. If you had to pick ten spices to use for a contest, or you could only have ten in your pantry, what would your Top Ten list of spices be?
  19. M

    Is it suggestible to add both spices and honey over salads for a better taste?

    Hello all, The other day I came across a fellow saying both spices and honey together should be maxed with the boiled vegetables for an exotic taste. But I argued with him saying they both give two different flavors and combining those two doesn't give the salad a pleasant taste. It is...
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