
  1. OhioTom76

    Too Much Iced Tea Bad For You?

    Earlier last year, there were some articles popping up about a guy who went into kidney failure and had to go on dialysis. The doctors were confused as to what caused this, and eventually discovered that he had been drinking about a gallon of iced tea per day, which they are speculating is what...
  2. kgord

    Clover tea

    The night before last when i was looking for tape to wrap some Christmas gifts, I found some old fashioned cookbooks with recpes from the last century and before.. I haven't looked at for a long time. I put them in the cookbook section of my pantry so now I will have easy access to...
  3. kgord

    Favorite Teas and Coffees

    Do you have a favorite type of tea or coffee? I love Celestial Seasons Bengal Spice tea. I just asked my grocery store to order some...The best way to describe it is like a spicy chai tea. I have Cinnamon spice tea now as a substitute. For coffee, I think my favorite is either Chock Full of...
  4. SatNavSaysStraightOn

    Review Yogi Tea Bedtime Rooibos Vanilla Herbal Tea

    Um.... I am trying to get through those free tea bags that get picked up from the counter at health food shops. You know the ones I mean, those free samples to try and get you to buy those really expensive packs of tea bags. Well getting through them is not going too well. The latest is Yogi...
  5. SatNavSaysStraightOn

    Review Twinings Moroccan Mint Tea

    Humm... the notes about it say Disappointing were my thoughts. I'm not an expert and it wasn't served from a silver teapot into a glass cup. In fact no silver or glass was involved in its preparation or serving. Perhaps that is where I went wrong? I could taste the spearmint and that was...
  6. SatNavSaysStraightOn

    Herbal Teas

    Do you like them or not?
  7. Duck59

    Britain - a nation of coffee and wine drinkers?

    I appreciate that members of this forum come from all around the world, but there's a fair smattering of Brits on here and here's something I found interesting. It's (bear with me, it does get interesting) the Family Expenditure Report from the Office of National Statistics. Well, not all of...
  8. C

    Fraught With Surprise!

    In some parts of England, it is thought that tea leaves scattered in front of the house will ward off evil spirits and protect the family that lives there. Similarly, some people believe that if loose leaf tea is accidentally dropped in the house it will bring good luck. When brewing a pot of...
  9. C

    Tea Test

    How many years does it take for a tea bush to grow ready for harvesting? Which part of the tea plant is used for tea making? Which country is the World's largest producer of tea? Which European country beats Ireland and the UK to the top of the tea drinking league? Which British Prime Minister...
  10. Diane Lane

    What Is Your Favorite Tea?

    I grew up drinking tea from pots, and tea from bags. I've tried many types, and like a variety. Some of my favorites are: oolong, green, black and orange mixes, jasmine (which I've learned is actually green, oolong, or a mix, infused with jasmine blossom scent or oil), and Earl Grey. I know some...
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