25 deg c here today


Forum GOD!
18 Mar 2018
Local time
6:21 PM
Christchurch New Zealand
So it's BBQ today, Sunday so family here, wife's not back til later in the evening. I'll make a salad and mash spud, kids will bring meat. Daughter will cook. She's very good with BBQ. Lettuce radishes and spring onions from the garden. Kids will be playing outside, the boys will end up wrestling. They just love fighting. Pics to follow.

So 1½ years for a reply. How did it go ?

I looked at the "November" up there and then realized you are on the bottom of the planet.

Here it is May, and we are at 10ºC. (don't ask, Alt+9,3,5)

I NZ you have a large body of water to the west, from what I have gathered that improves the weather. Moderates it. Look at the US like west coast v east coast. Look where Europe settled.

I have been itching or a poker game and I got some players lined up, but I am doing it in the garage for a few reasons. I can't have this in the house. With what people may be smoking, I don't care what they do as long as they don't wreck the place. I got chairs, bought a table, put a stereo out there. And who knows the language, and possibly raised voices. And some may have guns and I think it better to have them out in the garage. (of course I will have one of mine)

But this has really jammed that idea up. My friend i n Spain, he is almost at the same latitude as I am and his stuff has been in for a while now and is growing.

The main thing I know about growing is that the only thing I can grow is mold. Just eave a beer can sit there for a couple of weeks and you too could be making our own penicillin.

One out of the box today 25 deg c blue skies, just come in from watering the garden. My new lime tree and mandarin tree are doing well. Planted a week ago. Kaffir thriving from shift to natural soil, not potted.

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One out of the box today 25 deg c blue skies, just come in from watering the garden. My new lime tree and mandarin tree are doing well. Planted a week ago. Kaffir thriving from shift to natural soil, not potted.

Hey Russ. I don't think I ever told you how impressive it is that you grow so much of your own foods and do the canning/tinning projects. It's so cool!
Hey Russ. I don't think I ever told you how impressive it is that you grow so much of your own foods and do the canning/tinning projects. It's so cool!

Thanks, it comes from childhood mother and grandparents being frugal. My best memories is of food with both my mum and my nan. My nana was so funny. And they both made jams/jellies and sauces and chutneys etc.

Thanks, it comes from childhood mother and grandparents being frugal. My best memories is of food with both my mum and my nan. My nana was so funny. And they both made jams/jellies and sauces and chutneys etc.

That just made it even awesome-r (I made that word up ;-)! I'm glad you have those memories of your mum and nan. :D
That just made it even awesome-r (I made that word up ;-)! I'm glad you have those memories of your mum and nan. :D
Reading that I just got a bit of dust in my eye. Lol.
I want my grandkids to remember us as well. Although I can assure you I'm different. It's comming up winter and daughter said to us yesterday, I told Eli to put some trousers on the other day because it was getting cold, he said to her I don't need them, I'm gang gang Jnr. Lol.
My nick name for the wee ones.

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Reading that I just got a bit of dust in my eye. Lol.
I want my grandkids to remember us as well. Although I can assure you I'm different. It's comming up winter and daughter said to us yesterday, I told Eli to put some trousers on the other day because it was getting cold, he said to her I don't need them, I'm gang gang Jnr. Lol.
My nick name for the wee ones.

You're getting a bit of dust in my eyes all the way over here in Chicago! ;-)

What does gang gang Jnr. mean? The way it reads, the grandkids call you "gang gang" so Eli would be "gang gang Jnr"? <mj's confused>
You're getting a bit of dust in my eyes all the way over here in Chicago! ;-)

What does gang gang Jnr. mean? The way it reads, the grandkids call you "gang gang" so Eli would be "gang gang Jnr"? <mj's confused>

Sorry, Isla when a wee girl couldn't say granddad, best she could say Wass gang gang, it stuck, even Cushla my d.i.l calls me gang gang.
Isla is now 11 and told me a few years ago, you know I don't call you gang gang in my school or with my friends don't you?
I said that's alright.

You're getting a bit of dust in my eyes all the way over here in Chicago! ;-)

What does gang gang Jnr. mean? The way it reads, the grandkids call you "gang gang" so Eli would be "gang gang Jnr"? <mj's confused>

Plus I'm in shorts pretty much all day every day.

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Sorry, Isla when a wee girl couldn't say granddad, best she could say Wass gang gang, it stuck, even Cushla my d.i.l calls me gang gang.
Isla is now 11 and told me a few years ago, you know I don't call you gang gang in my school or with my friends don't you?
I said that's alright.

That's why I was confused.

You wrote: "My nick name for the wee ones."

It's the other way around. It's your wee one's nickname for you. <you know it doesn't take much to get me confused! lol>
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